Drunk Drivers

Páginas: 2 (419 palabras) Publicado: 25 de octubre de 2012
“Together we can celebrate life responsibly”

Everyone at some point attended to any party to celebrate a good moment between friends or family but how many people know how to enjoy these momentsin a responsible way?... not everyone. Some people make mistakes and they can correct them after their first offense. However, a larger number of people repeat this offense and they are found drivingunder the alcohol influence after their first offense. Stricter penalties and punishments should be established for first time offenders because most drivers repeat their offense, drunk drivers impactother people, and the current laws are ineffective. Stricter penalties need to be established to show drivers the importance of driving sober.
The government needs to impose harder penalties forpeople who drive under the alcohol influence, for example, penalty for 6 months up to 1 year of prison for first offenders, and then maybe people would think twice about drinking and driving because eachyear numerous lives are lost due to irrational driving. One disadvantage of this situation is about our justice system, it is not efficient because currently the penalties are just temporarysuspension of driver’s licenses and only to pay fines and it should change to improve our society because through this bad behavior entire families are destroyed.
On the other hand, driving while under thealcohol influence not only put yourself at risk, but endangers innocent victims, drinking and driving is a crime that has consequences that affect a person and it also destroys families. The lives ofthe families of the victims are ruined because of the sudden death of their loved one, and they are never going to be able to reclaim their normal life. This issue must be solved, a good way toprevent more drunk drivers is through Awareness, the government should do safe driving campaign directed for the general public in a creative way to call the attention of the majority of people. It could...
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