Eating disorders

Páginas: 10 (2390 palabras) Publicado: 18 de mayo de 2010
What are eating disorders?
There are four types of eating disorders: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and ED-NOS (Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified). Young women with these disorders often have a negative and distorted body image, and intense emotions and behaviors surrounding food. The phrase "body image" means the thoughts and feelings people have about theirphysical appearance. Young women with eating disorders may start to eat less because they are afraid of gaining weight. Sometimes they binge (overeat, consuming very large quantities of food) and sometimes purge (by making themselves vomit, over-exercising, or using laxatives). Eating disorders affect a person's physical and emotional health. They are very dangerous illnesses and can be fatal ifthey are not treated.
What is anorexia nervosa?
Anorexia nervosa is an illness that involves having an extreme desire to be thin. The key elements of anorexia nervosa are: a refusal to keep body weight at a healthy level, an intense fear of being fat, a distorted body image. Many teens who have anorexia stop having their periods or don’t get it on a regular schedule.
Symptoms of AnorexiaNervosa |
Physical | Emotional |
Dramatic weight loss | Depression |
Slow heart rate | Anxiety or nervousness |
Low blood pressure | Distorted body image |
Low body temperature | Intense fear of weight gain |
Brittle hair and finger nails | Low self-esteem |
Hair loss | Withdrawal from friends & activities |
Dry skin & dehydration | Thinking about food most of the time|
Growth of lanugo (soft furry hair on face, back & arms) |   |
Amenorrhea (menstrual period stops) |   |
Slow or stunted growth |   |
If you have any of these symptoms you may be at risk for serious health problems and you should call or make an appointment with your health care provider as soon as possible.
What is bulimia nervosa?
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder thatinvolves frequent bingeing and purging, as well as a distorted body image. Bingeing means eating a lot of food at one time even when you’re not hungry. Following a binge, young women with bulimia will try to get rid of food by vomiting, taking laxatives or by excessively exercising. People with bulimia may hide what they eat from others and feel afraid or ashamed of their behavior.
What are someof the health problems that girls with bulimia face?
Bulimia is hard to detect from looking at a person since the health problems a teen may suffer from are not as obvious as with anorexia. For example, someone may have a normal weight, but still have bulimia. Also, they may be secretive about their eating habits so that even their family and friends are not aware that they have a problem.Bulimia is serious and can cause permanent damage to the teeth, stomach, digestive track, and heart.
Symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa |
Physical | Emotional |
Electrolyte problems | Depression |
Irregular menstrual periods | Shame or guilt |
Dehydration | Anxiety |
Swollen face (fluid retention) | Fear of weight gain |
Sore throat | Withdrawal from friends |
Tooth decay/loss |  |
Dry, flakey skin |   |
Heart arrhythmias (due to potassium loss from vomiting) |   |
Constipation |   |
Body weight is typically normal |   |
If you have these symptoms you are at risk for serious health problems and you should contact a health care provider immediately.
What is Binge Eating Disorder?
Binge eating disorder, or compulsive eating disorder, involves eatinglarge amounts of food in short periods of time without purging. Often, people with binge eating disorder will skip meals or eat small portions when they are around others and then eat large amounts when they are alone. Young women with binge eating disorder often suffer from anxiety, depression, loneliness, shame and/or self-hatred. Their body weight can vary from normal to obese.
What is EDNOS...
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