El Corazon De Voltaire

Páginas: 9 (2192 palabras) Publicado: 13 de agosto de 2012
Examen #1
Examen #1

Anatomy: is the study of science that deals with the structure of body parts their forms and how they are organized.

Physiology: concern the function of the body parts what they do and how they do it.

Matter consists of microscopic particles called atoms, which join to form molecules.

Small molecules can combine in complex ways to form larger macromolecules.In human and other organisms, the basic unit of structure and function is a cell.

All cell contain structures called organelles that carry out specific activities.

Organelles are composed of collections of macromolecules such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nuclei acids.

Cells may be organized into layers or other structures that have common functions. Such group of cellsforms a tissue.

Group of different tissues that interact form organs, or complex structures with specialized functions.

Group of organs that function closely together include organ systems.

Organ systems make up an organism, which is a living thing.

X – rays: visualize hard bony structures and locate abnormally dense structures such as tumors.

Computed tomography (CT) orcomputerized axial tomography (CAT) : both are at the forefront in evaluating most problems that affect the brain and abdomen due to the capacity of the technique to imagine touching structures.

CT Dynamic Spatial Reconstruction: provide three-dimensional images of body organs from any angle. It allows their movements and changes in their internal volumes.

DSA Digital Subtraction Angiography:An unobstructed view of diseased blood vessels.

Positron emission tomography (PET) :

Excels in observing metabolic processes. Due to the injection of radioisotopes, brain’s biochemical activity is studied in vivid colors. An excellent source to study brain activity during certain tasks.

Ultrasonography: construct a visual image of body organs without causing damage. So, it is ideal forobstetric studies. It is no useful for brain or lung studies because sound waves have very low penetrating power and are scattered in air.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): uses magnetic fields to pry information from body tissues. It is immensely popular because dense structures do not show up in MRI, so bones of the skull and/or vertebral column do not impair the view of soft tissues suchas the brain and lungs.

Movement: change in position of the body or of a body part; motion of an internal organ.

Responsiveness: reaction to a change inside or outside the body.
Growth: increase in body size without change in shape.

Reproduction: production of new organisms and new cells.

Respiration: obtaining oxygen, removing carbon dioxide, and releasing energy from foods.Digestion: breakdown of food substances into simpler forms that can be absorbed and used.

Absorption: passage of substances through membranes and into body fluids.

Circulation: movement of substances in body fluids.

Assimilation: changing absorbed substances into chemically different forms.

Excretion: removal of wastes produced by metabolic reactions.

Water: is the most abundantchemical in the body. It is required for many metabolic processes and provides the environment in which most of them take place. It also transport substances within the organism and is important in regulating body temperature.

Oxygen: is a gas that makes up about one-fifth of ordinary air. It is used to release energy from food substances. This energy, in turn, drives metabolic processes.Foods: are substances that provide the body with necessary chemicals
(nutrients) in addition to water. Some of these chemicals are used as energy sources, others supply raw materials for building new living matter, and still others help regulate vital chemical reactions.

Heat: is a form of energy. It is a product of metabolic reactions, and the degree of heat present partly determines...
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