El Dni Electrónico

Páginas: 9 (2011 palabras) Publicado: 12 de diciembre de 2012

The Identification card (ID) issued by the Police Headquarters (Home Office) is the document that certifies, for over fifty years, the identity, personal information appearing in it and its Spanish nationality holder. With the advent of the Information Society and the widespread use of Internet it is necessary to adapt the mechanisms foraccreditation of the personality to the new reality and have an effective instrument that transfers to the digital world the same certainties with which we operate every day in the physical world and, essentially, are: • Test electronically and undoubted the identity of the person. • Digitally sign electronic documents, granting them legal value equivalent to giving them a handwritten signature. To supplythese new needs created the electronic ID card is created, similar to the traditional and whose main innovation is that it incorporates a small integrated circuit (chip), able to securely save information and process it internally. As the electronic ID will replace the traditional ID and new applications will be implemented we would be able to: • Make signed purchases over the Internet. • Makecomplete transactions with Public Administrations at any time and without having to travel or queuing. • Perform secure banking transactions. The electronic ID card has great benefits for the citizen, the main advantages are: From the point of view of security: The electronic ID is a more secure document than the traditional, also through the electronic ID we would be able to guarantee the identity oftelematic partners. From the point of comfort: With the electronic ID transaction can be made at any distance and any moment. The electronic ID will be issued immediately and it will also be useful to make transactions without having to provide documentation that already exists in the Administration. From the point of public relations: The electronic signature of the electronic ID ensures theidentity of the person who performs management as well as the integrity of the content of the messages sent, it as well proves the highest degree of confidentiality and security on the Internet. From the point of relations with government: The State General Administration will be one of the leading providers of services that can be used with an electronic ID, thus its use is an advantage in dealingswith the public administration in which it would no longer be needed the physical presence to ensure the identity. From the point of relations with business: Companies should develop different services based on the identification and electronic signature, so that energize the commercial relationship with its costumers. There services could be provided with the maximum security. From the standpointof business and commercial electronic ID card becomes a fundamental tool in relations in the private sector.

The electronic ID card is made of a plastic material (particularly polycarbonate) that contains a chip with digital information and has identical dimensions as the traditional ID card. Its size, therefore, coincides with the dimensions of the commonly used credit cards(85.60 mm x 53.98 mm wide, high).

The principal beneficiaries of the new electronic Identification Card are: • Citizens: The birth of the electronic ID (eID) card responds, therefore, the need to give personal identity to the citizens for its use in the new Information Society, in addition to serving as a driver for it. Thus, the eID is the adaptation of the traditional ID cardto the new reality of a communication network interconnected society. This way, every citizen will be able to make many secure transactions through electronic means and ensuring the identity of participants in communication. • Companies: Electronic ID card will contribute necessarily to the existence of companies’ providers of value-added services as an electronic ID will not provide in any...
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