
Páginas: 7 (1504 palabras) Publicado: 10 de noviembre de 2012
Examen:Unidad IV

Revisión del intento 1

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|Comenzado el |jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010, 13:50 |
|Completado el |jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010, 14:08 |
|Tiempo empleado |17 minutos 35 segundos|
|Puntos |16/16 |
|Calificación |10 de un máximo de 10 (100%) |

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Question 1
Puntos: 1
What might be the most effective mechanism when collaborating with others tohave an extensive and lasting impact on health outcomes?
Seleccione una respuesta.
|[pic]|a. Influence improved health policies and legislation for healthier communities. [pic] | |
|[pic]|b. Encourage more health programs on client lifestyle modification. [pic] | |
|[pic]|c. Broadlydisseminate health-related information to inform citizens. [pic] | |
|[pic]|d. Increase funding to health agencies for more health education programs. [pic] | |

Puntos para este envío: 1/1.
Question 2
Puntos: 1
Why was the publication of Healthy People: The Surgeon General’sReport on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention a landmark document?
Seleccione una respuesta.
|[pic]|a. First time evaluation measures based on outcomes to judge effectiveness were created. [pic] | |
|[pic]|b. First time universal agreement on federal government priorities was reached. [pic] | |
|[pic]|c. Firsttime a national plan had been created with funds to begin to implement it. [pic] | |
|[pic]|d. First time national goals for improving the health of Americans were established. [pic] | |

Puntos para este envío: 1/1.
Question 3
Puntos: 1
Which is the best example of a health promotion program?Seleccione una respuesta.
|[pic]|a. The nurse collaborated with the local police department to prepare a PSA on the benefits of using one’s seat belt. [pic] | |
|[pic]|b. The nurse worked with the local school parent-teacher organization to give free bicycle helmets to the students with bicycles. | |
| |[pic]| |
|[pic]|c. The nurse appeared on the local public access television channel each Sunday afternoon to discuss nutrition and exercise options | |
| |for families. [pic] | |
|[pic]|d. The nurse collaborated with the localmotorcycle club to make sure all the cyclists who wanted one could obtain a free helmet. | |
| |[pic] | |

Puntos para este envío: 1/1.
Question 4
Puntos: 1
Which of the following services implemented by nurses would represent primary prevention?Seleccione una respuesta.
|[pic]|a. D. A “stay beautiful” campaign for high school female smokers that stresses | |
| |that smokers have wrinkles about a decade earlier than their chronologic peers | |
| |[pic] |...
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