Ensayo De Global

Páginas: 2 (391 palabras) Publicado: 13 de febrero de 2013
Homeostasis helps keep the body in balance and it regulates the different levels of temperatures according to conditions changes. Three important mechanisms that help regulate the body are thereceptor, the control center and the effector. The receptor obtains information when the environment is changing. The control center is in charge of analyze and intake the information from the receptor.Finally the last mechanism, the effector is in charge of receiving the stimulus and either accepted or rejected it. In order to understand better the different jobs of the mechanisms I interpret theskin that contains receptors that sends messages to the brain also can be called the control center. After the information is received it is transmitted to the effector which I interpreted as bloodvessels and sweat glands that are located in the brain. We are exposed to different temperatures; hot, cold, windy and our body has different reactions. Here in New York City we dress accordingly to theweather outside because if we don’t we can get sick.

Each body system helps maintain equilibrium throughout the body. I decide to pick the nervous system, and I find out the nervous systemdoes not store nutrients. In order to keep working it needs constant supply from blood. If this doesn’t happen there can be damage in the brain that can lead to death. The nervous system is incharge of distributing homeostasis around the body systems, which helps control and regulates the other parts of the body. Based in the receptor the nervous system is constantly receiving messages orstimulus, and then they are transmitted as nerve impulse and send to the brain. Like I said before the brain plays the role of the effector and quickly send a response to the body. For example if itsnowing outside and a person goes out they will feel the cold and can shiver. However everything depends on the level of the temperature. Also during the summer if it is hot we will start sweating and...
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