Ensayo Entre P

Páginas: 3 (609 palabras) Publicado: 30 de septiembre de 2012
Sistema Universitario Ana G. Mendez

Universidad del Turabo

Recinto Yabucoa

Topic: Alcoholism

Engl: 231

Isalcoholism a disease?

Yes, alcoholism is a progressive, degenerative and chronic, with symptoms that include a strong need to drink despite negative consequences. The disease is characterized byphysical damage to all body systems, the most complicated those related to the cardiovascular system, nervous system and liver.

When alcohol consumption is exaggerated or recurrent toleranceoccurs. That is, the body requires greater amounts of alcohol to get the same feeling. This situation makes the addiction, which is accompanied by great difficulties to stop when consumption startsdrinking. By suspending the use of alcohol, they develop symptoms such as nausea, tremors and anxiety. Moreover, the alcoholic loses interest in his surroundings, which can result in the loss of his joband his family.

The use and alcohol dependence constitute one of the most important causes of health problems. Developing models animals have to study this pathology; they offer advantagesin alcoholism research, although the results cannot be generalized without regard to the chance of human behaviors. Models were developed alcohol administration and forced administration, to studyvarious stages of consumption, appetitive strength of ethanol, a procedure to facilitate the start of consumption behaviors that facilitate or inhibit consumption.

According to theresearchers, it is advantageous to use rats and rodents to study like this, because mammals evolved from common ancestors. Although there are many causes for alcohol-related disorders, is mentioned several ofthem, such as genetic predisposition. In people with tendencies to alcoholism and other addictive behaviors are said to neurotransmitter receptor celebrate dopamine D2, there is a lesser amount. The...
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