
Páginas: 6 (1434 palabras) Publicado: 20 de febrero de 2013
Rap is a type of rhythmic recitation sprechgesang or rhymes and wordplay emerged in the mid-twentieth century among the African American community in the United States. It is one of the four pillars of hip hop culture, hence often also metonymically call it hip hop.
Although it can be interpreted a capella, rap is normally accompanied by a rhythmic musical background known to the Englishword beat. Interpreters are the MC rap, stands for "Master of Ceremonies".
The rap emerged as a musical style in black and Latino neighborhoods of New York in the 1970s, as the expression from the sound and melodies of hip hop culture, which includes aesthetic movements like graffiti, break dancing or scratch . From there he launched into the world, taking different regional peculiarities in eachcountry or continent.
Musically speaking, while the hip hop itself comes from the religious music of black origin and blends greatly with the funky disco, rap breaks this bond and is closer to break dance, while taking its own language.

In the first rap group presentations, the style was based on the music of a Disc Jockey who, using some songs and using cuts and blends, a composition couldwork as background music for an MC who could rap or more players at the same time.
That language and cadence that are based on a particularly contentious attitude, a clear trend of anti-system. But like any art form, it is very complex to stop or freeze. Thus rappers of the '70s resulted in a more metaphorical and complex expression from the lyric in the 80s, which in turn was reflected in therhythms and music database employed.
Already on the 90, the market did its thing and many groups or soloists ended up on pop music, gaining massive popularity unexpected at first. Today the diversity of styles and fusions of rap music with other musical expressions is vast, so complex is the path ending envision taking it into the future.

 Development rap.
The emceen, which is where is the "termMC" or as we call it today or ragamuffin rap comes from an African tradition that remains in Jamaica and was brought to NY in the early 70s by a Jamaican DJ known as Kool Herc. The emccen of this era in Jamaican music that was based on phrases to encourage the public, making it about the "dubs" or instrumental part of the disks. Kool Herc adapts it to the latest music in New York as James Brownand created what we know today. Over the years this art has evolved to great levels, and that poetry has merged with the urban and Negroid emceen and was brought up in some of the most renowned universities.
The rap is developed mainly in two ways:
Severs all ties with the funk and disco consumption accentuates its relationship to break dance while radicalizing their identity signs street byautonomous forms and specific language and combative.
In its early manifestations, and following the lead break, rap came from operations in the dance halls ran a disc jockey using one or more topics, in order to get to the resulting mixtures interruptions and composition serve as vehicle noise to the recitation of the soloist or, more frequently, to a large group of performers. The barb of theturntable, thus became a fundamental element of rap and topics through brief bursts and repetitive, drag dotted rhythmic rhymes emphasizing that thrive on jargon, onomatopoeic effects, jokes and slogans, raged a game of responses and counter very suggestive, which in turn was complemented by provocative stagings. These essential features of rap - especially all that relates to his lyrics - are rooted informulas advertising on radio and television where two or more people talking about a product colloquially, combined with disco remixes that young blacks, Hispanics and Chicanos used to dance and have fun outdoors in the ghettos.

The beginnings of rap
Therefore, the rap was in its infancy limited scope because rarely penetrated the area of ​​nightclubs, taken over by commercial issues also...
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