Fonética De Inglés

Páginas: 2 (484 palabras) Publicado: 10 de diciembre de 2012

Phonological Processes

There are many school-age children who have articulation problems. Some children
have difficulty with one sound, while other children have difficultywith a whole group of
sounds. Many people ask Why ? Believe it or not, all children have misarticulations while
their language is developing. These normal speech errors are known as phonologicalprocesses. Some children do not outgrow these processes, and they develop articulation
There are many opinions on when sounds should be acquired and mastered. Here is a
general guideline:36 months (3 years): /n/, /m/, /p/, /h/, /t/
40-44 months (3.4-3.8 years): /f/, /w/, /ng/, /b/, /g/
48 months (3.6 years): /s/, /j/, /d/
48+ months (up to 6 years): /r/, /l/, /sh/, /ch/, /z/, /v/,/j/, /th/
While children are developing these sounds, it is common to replace a more difficult
sound with an easier sound. Children also shorten words that have many syllables, and
change wordstructure.
• Phonological Processes:
Now that we know the basic norms for sound development, we can take a look at the
natural process that this development involves.
 Processes that disappear by age3:
1. Unstressed syllable deletion. Children will leave out the unstressed syllable. For
example, telphone for telephone.
2. Final Consonant Deletion. Children will leave off the last consonant ofa word. For
example, boo for book.
3. Consonant Assimilation. One consonant in the word influences another.
For example, beb for bed, or coke for coat.
4. Reduplication. The child repeats thefirst syllable twice. For example, baba for
bottle, or mamam for mommy.
5. Velar Fronting. The phonemes /k/ and /g/ which are made in the back of the throat or
the velum, are substituted for soundsmade in the front. For example, tookie for
cookie or doat for goat.
Processes persisting after 3 years:
1. Cluster Reduction. A consonant in a cluster is omitted. For example, Santa Caus
for Santa...
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