Give A Critical Account On Anselm’s Ontological Proof For The Existence Of “God”.

Páginas: 4 (944 palabras) Publicado: 26 de febrero de 2013
Write an essay on the following topic (your answer must not exceed 1000 words)

Give a critical account on Anselm’s ontological proof for the existence of “God”. 100 marks

St Anselm was anItalian Medieval thinker who attempted to explain in a rational manner the existence of God. He developed an ontological proof of the existence of God.

According to St Anselm to proof the existenceof God we must understand that:
a) God is that than which nothing greater can be thought”
b) The existence of God is superior to non-existence

St Anselm begins his ontological approach bydeclaring that he believes in God. Nevertheless, he also acknowledges that there are people who do not share this belief. Anselm notes that people who do not believe in God, has an understanding of “it”. Andit is the “it” what exists.

St Anselm’s theory means that when we think of something that thing “exists” or “is” in our understanding. However, there may be things that we may think of that weare certain that do not exist. For example, we may think of unicorns. This does not mean that they exist, but it is the idea, the understanding of it, what makes the existence of “it”. Thus, the “it” isin the understanding. This point applies to everything, whether certain that it exists or not, even God.

According to St Anselm, if a being exists in the understanding alone, it cannot be thegreatest conceivable thing, for a being that exists in reality as well as in reality would be greater. This leads St Anselm to conclude that since God is the greatest being conceivable he must exist inreality as well as in our understanding. Anselm’s theory is similar to Plato’s idea that we have ideas in our minds which are merely a reflection of a perfect, greater and universal idea. We only seeshadows of those ideas.

The ontological theory of St Anselm has been subject to criticism. There are two points which have been criticized by Gaunilo, a Benedictine monk.

The first point is...
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