
Páginas: 6 (1299 palabras) Publicado: 4 de diciembre de 2013
Easter celebrations center around Semana Santa (literally, "Holy Week").  During this week, Christians commemorate the events of the last days in the life of Jesus Christ, as narrated in the Bible. It begins on Sunday of Palms. It is a period of reflection and good behaviour for all Christians.
With Catholicism being the dominant religion, Easter is an important time of the year forHondurans and it is celebrated accordingly, with religious parades, special masses, and other traditional events hailing from Colonial times.
On the evening of Good Friday, people attend a special mass to commemorate the death of Jesus Christ. Since the Catholic tradition indicates that he resurrected three days later, a meal is arranged to commemorate celebrate this on the evening of the EasterSunday.
Most of the year, the figures depicting Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph, and other saints are kept safely inside the Catholic churches.  But on Good Friday, they are dressed in elaborate and elegant costumes, brought out of their church or cathedral, and paraded on floats around the city or town.  The floats are solemnly and slowy carried through the streets by volunteers, whileband plays a funerary piece.  The parade symbolizes Christ's funeral.
Traditionally, the streets on the parade's route are covered with decorative "carpets" made from a thin pre- painted sawdust.  The sawdust is painstakingly laid-out to create intricate patterns or images depicting religious scenes and characters from Catholic tradition.  These "carpets" are true works of art, made entirely byvolunteers and every year there is an undeclared competition between neighbouring cities, to see which can make the most elaborate and beautiful "carpets" for their Good Friday parade.  Unfortunatley, the carpets do not last long: any gust of wind or rain will ruin them, and the parade itself destroys them.

Most Hondurans are members of the Roman Catholic Church.  Traditionally Catholicism hasbeen the strongest religion in the country but, recently Evangelism has become popular and is gaining strength, specially amongst the younger Hondurans.
You'll find that many customs and traditions in Honduras have a link to Catholic faith.

There is no state religion in Honduras. However, the armed forces have an official Roman Catholic patron saint. The government consults with the RomanCatholic Church and occasionally appoints Catholic leaders to quasi-official commissions on key issues of mutual concern, such as anticorruption initiatives.
The government does not require religious groups to register but requires churches and organizations to register. Foreign missionaries must obtain entry and residence permits and a local institution or individual must sponsor a missionary'sapplication for residency, which is submitted to the Ministry of Government and Justice. The ministry generally grants such permits.
There are both religious schools that provide professional training, such as seminaries, and church-operated schools that provide general education, such as parochial schools. They receive no special treatment from the government and do not face any restrictions.Antes de la conquista en el territorio de la actual Honduras cada grupo étnico tenía su propia religión y sus propios dioses, luego de la conquista llegaron la religión cristiana y también algunas religiones africanas.

Historia[editar código]
El comienzo de la religión en Honduras, se remonta a la época de pueblos prehispánicos que habitaron estas tierras y desarrollaron varias religiones, entrela que destaca la religión maya, quienes desarrollaron una amplia mitología y cosmología, las cuales se pueden estudiar a través los jeroglíficos de sus edificaciones y en los códices mayas.
Religiones autóctonas[editar código]
Las religiones autóctonas en Honduras eran diferentes en cada grupo étnico, son religiones politeistas y animistas.
Religión Maya[editar código]
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