How To Turn Your Desires And Ideals Into Reality

Páginas: 112 (27971 palabras) Publicado: 3 de junio de 2012
By Brown Landone

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It is unusual I assume for a businessman to accept the obligation of
writing a foreword to a book of idealism, and
any attempt on my part to add to its spiritual content would be vain
assumption. But sinceI know of the
phenomenal results of idealizing the process, I can perhaps give some
measure of faith and hope to those who
have not always succeeded and who now doubt the possibility of making
their ideals become realities.
My certainty of the results of this process bases itself upon many years'
personal contact with the attainments of
Brown Landone, upon my own individual and businesssuccess in using the
process, and upon my intimate
acquaintance with the many executives who have with his aid made their
ideals come true. Some of these ideals
have been of the higher things of life; some of more mundane affairs,
such as increasing one's salary from two or
three thousand a year to a thousand a month or more by a few weeks' use
of the process.
Brown Landone, the man, like allof us, has his individual habits and
hobbies known only to intimate friends. For
instance, he never reads anything idealistic immediately before going to
sleep. " If I do," he says, " my mind
reacts and I have unpleasant dreams; but, if I read something weird, my
soul reacts and I live the night in a state
of high spiritual consciousness."
Then there is the passion of "cleaning up things."Today, this is most
annoying to some of the intimate friends
whom he visits, for no sooner is he in the home than he makes for the
basement or attic to satisfy his soul's desire
to make things clean. It is a passion with him; it was born in him. As a
child he would clean up his playroom
rather than play with his toys. When but five years old he became so
angry because the servants wouldnot let

him mop the kitchen floors that he ran away from home!
Although handicapped in childhood and youth with what most of us consider
insurmountable physical handicaps,
yet he has lived long, worked much and retains enduring vitality. Those
in whose time he first worked -Helen
Wilmans, Dr. Adams, Mrs. Eddy, Dr. Stockham and others -have long since
passed into the greater life. Yet,today (I know from years of association), he often works twenty hours out
of twenty-four and finds life and the
work a joy because he loves both. You and I may not wish to work thus,
yet it gives one great consciousness of
power to know that someone has attained such spiritual contact with Life
that he is able to do so.
His recreation is painting. After a day's work, usually from eighteen totwenty hours, he paints to rest himself
before going to sleep. He paints at such times with phenomenal rapidity.
He has worked much and all he has done or written is original. In point
of fact, he has done so many original
things that many find it difficult to keep track of his work. More than
twenty years ago he wrote of the value of
vitamins, now being accepted by the medical profession; ageneration ago
he proved the solar plexus to be a
brain by itself, a statement then ridiculed by biologists but now
accepted; seventeen years ago he discovered that
tone is most resonantly projected on the parabolic curve and it is just
now being used by engineers to secure
valuable patents; within this decade he has formulated a new science of
sociology which conservative French
thinkershave called "epoch making." He was the first man to work out a
new science of the arts unifying the
basic principles of music, literature, painting, sculpture and
architecture; to work out neural reaction; and to
prove that new brain structure can be developed by conscious functioning
just as Burbank proved that new plant
structures can be developed.
In this book one thought deserves more...
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