
Páginas: 8 (1891 palabras) Publicado: 19 de septiembre de 2012
“The Story of an Hour”
1) The person that narrates the story is the author itself. The author is narrating the story from Mrs. Mallard’s point of view.
2) Yes I do trust the narrator. And I do think it is possible the story could change if told from another point of view, for the fact that everyone has different thoughts especially if the story is told from a male’s prospective.
3) Themain character of this story is Mrs. Mallard. I think the main character and the author are a lot alike since they are both females and the author has some understanding of the character itself. Some of Mrs. Mallard’s characteristics are that she was young with fair skin, calm face in which the lines of her face spoke of repression and certain strength.
4) The author plots or organizes the story bymentioning Mrs. Mallard heart trouble, and the breaking news of her husband’s death and how this news will affect her heart. The author also describes how she felt in the process, and how in the end her husband is still alive and when she sees him she dies and the doctor’s say it was because of too much joy. I think the events in this story were ordered chronologically because the author gave ussome insight to how the main character was like and what happened to her in the end.
5) I think the story takes place like in history around the 19th century. The author describes Mrs. Mallard as being free and able to live for herself after she hears the news of her husband’s death. The setting contributes a lot to the meaning because maybe in that time in history women were not as free toexpress themselves, or do certain things we are ale to do now. As she heard about her husband’s death she felt a sudden freedom like if she was able to live for her self now and not be bound by a man. If set in a different time and place I think the meaning would change, I think this because in that time period the women was treated a certain way and weren’t as liberal as now. I think that differenttime periods would change the meaning constantly since in history everything was and still is in constant change, and with time people have different ideas and views.
6) The “tone” or style of this story is formal because it describes how the character feels and how her emotions and excitement played out. I think this story is simple and to the point.
7) I think there are ambiguities in this storylike the fact if she loved her husband or not. And another one is when she died was it truly because of happiness as the doctor’s say, or was it because once she saw him she saw her new life far away from her. These could be interpretive more then one way because she could have loved her husband and that’s why she was saying she’s free because she was seeing her end coming near as she wouldfinally be able to join him, but then again you never know maybe she didn’t love him at all it really all depends on how the reader wants to interpretative the story, I think this makes the story more interesting due to the fact that you have to try and understand what when on in that period in time in history, it also gives an interesting twist to it because I have to think about why does she feel likethis ? And did she really love her husband or was it a one way love. In all reality the author leaves it to the reader’s imagination makes it more interesting.
8) I do think there is some symbolism in the story, it can be found both in objects and actions. I say her actions because she’s whispers “free” makes it seemed that she was bound to something and finally is liberated. I also say objectsbecause when she looks out the window she describes it as “out to the new spring life, with the delicious breath of rain in the air.” Making it seemed that just out the window she sees her new life beginning.
9) The significance of the title “The Story of An Hour “is everything that happens or went on with Mrs. Mallard within the hour, from when they told her about her husband’s death until...
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