
Páginas: 4 (767 palabras) Publicado: 30 de octubre de 2012
Ámbito de la comunicación-Inglés
1. Introducción

Esta es la primera tarea del bloque 7. En esta ocasión, vamos a trabajar fundamentalmente la comprensión yla producción escrita, en concreto, vamos a tratar el texto descriptivo de un lugar.

Recuerda que no se dará por válido oraciones sueltas e inconexas. Se trata de que crees un texto cohesionado ycoherente.

2. Cómo hacer la tarea
1. Lee el siguiente texto (una descripción de la ciudad de Nueva York) y contesta a las preguntas que se plantean:

New York is in the North-East of theUnited States. Eight million people live in the city.

In New York City there are two hundred and fifty museums, four hundred art galleries, and 1700 parks. There are many restaurants, pubs andcinemas.

New York is big, beautiful, rich and very famous. It has got five boroughs: Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Staten Island and Queens.

New York is a economically important city and manynational and international companies have got their offices and factories in New York City.

This city has got two professional baseball, basketball, hockey, and football teams.
The climate in NewYork is very nice. It usually rains a lot and it is cold in winter but in summer the weather is warm.

a) Contesta a las siguientes preguntas acerca del texto:

• Is New York a small city?• -No,is a big city
• What is weather like in winter?
• - . It usually rains a lot and it is cold in winter
• Are there parks in the city?
• -yes,the are 1700 parks
• Which are the boroughs in NewYork?
• -Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Staten Island and Queens

b) Extrae del texto:
- Una oración en la que se exprese la posesión:
-This city has got two professional baseball, basketball,hockey, and football teams.

- Una oración en la que se hable del clima de la ciudad:
- The climate in New York is very nice. It usually rains a lot and it is cold in winter but in summer the...
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