Irregular Verbs

Páginas: 4 (770 palabras) Publicado: 20 de noviembre de 2012
1 Be Was/Were Been Being Ser o Estar
2 Bear Bore Born/Borne BearingSoportar/Aguantar
3 Beat Beat Beaten Beating Golpear
4 Become Became Become Becoming Llegar a ser
5 Begin Began Begun Beginning Comenzar
6 Bet Bet Bet Betting Apostar
7 Bite Bit Bitten Biting Morder
8 BlowBlew Blown Blowing Soplar
9 Break Broke Broken Breaking Romper
10 Bring Brought Brought Bringing Traer
11 Build Built Built Building Construir
12 Burn Burnt/Burned Burnt/Burned Burning Quemar
13Burst Burst Burst Bursting Reventar/Explotar
14 Buy Bought Bought Buying Comprar
15 Can Could Been able to Poder
16 Catch Caught Caught Catching Atrapar
17 Choose Chose Chosen Choosing Escoger18 Come Came Come Coming Venir
19 Cost Cost Cost Costing Costar
20 Cut Cut Cut Cutting Cortar
21 Deal Dealt Dealt Dealing Negociar
22 Dig Dug Dug Digging Cavar
23 Do Did Done Doing Hacer
24 DrawDrew Drawn Drawing Dibujar
25 Dream Dreamt/Dreamed Dreamt/Dreamed Dreaming Soñar
26 Drink Drank Drunk Drinking Tomar/Beber
27 Drive Drove Driven Driving Manejar
28 Eat Ate Eaten Eating Comer
29Fall Fell Fallen Falling Caer
30 Feed Fed Fed Feeding Alimentar
31 Feel Felt Felt Feeling Sentir
32 Fight Fought Fought Fighting Pelear
33 Find Found Found Finding Encontrar
34 Flee Fled FledFleeing Huir/Escapar
35 Fly Flew Flown Flying Volar
36 Forbid Forbade Forbidden Forbidding Prohibir
37 Forget Forgot Forgotten Forgetting Olvidar
38 Forgive Forgave Forgiven Forgiving Perdonar
39Freeze Froze Frozen Freezing Congelar
40 Get Got Got/Gotten Getting Obtener/Conseguir
41 Give Gave Given Giving Dar
42 Go Went Gone Going Ir
43 Grow Grew Grown Growing Crecer
44 Hang Hung/HangedHung/Hanged Hanging Colgar
45 Have Had Had Having Tener
46 Hear Heard Heard Hearing Escuchar
47 Hide Hid Hidden Hiding Esconder
48 Hit Hit Hit Hitting Golpear
49 Hold Held Held Holding Sostener...
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  • Irregular Verbs
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  • Irregular Verbs

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