
Páginas: 4 (968 palabras) Publicado: 20 de noviembre de 2012
Partes del Cuerpo
fingernail - uña
toe - dedo del pie
toenail - uña del pie
heel - talón
palm - palma
knuckle - nudillo
thumb - pulgar
waist - cintura
skin - piel
armpit - axila
chin- barbilla
cheek - mejilla
eyebrow - ceja
eyelashes - pestañas
forehead - frente
nostril - orificio nasal
lips - labios
tongue - lengua
thigh - muslo
calf - pantorrilla
hip -caderaPráctica
Selecciona el nombre de la parte del cuerpo. 1. Women often put mascara on these.
2. You use these to kiss.
3. This is above the eye.
4. This is the lower part of the leg.
5. This is theupper part of the leg.
6. This is like a finger but on the foot.
7. This is the area under your arm where it connects to the body. 8. This is on the bottom of your foot. 9. This is where youput a belt.
10. This is one of the fingers.
11. Men sometimes grow a beard here.
12. This covers the body.
13. This is the area above the eyebrows.
14. When you dance you move this bodypart.
15. This is where a finger connects to the hand.

Principio del formulario
Escribe el nombre de la parte del cuerpo.

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Principio del formulario
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Principio del formulario
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Principio del formulario
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas