linea del tiempo de tabla periodica

Páginas: 10 (2487 palabras) Publicado: 14 de noviembre de 2013
Before World War II most teenagers had little or no say in what things or types of clothes they could buy. Even the word teenager wasn´t coined until 1950. Parents usually made shopping decisions for teens and they had to accept them ,Fashion and other shopping trends changed very slowly in all cultures because there wasn´t very much communication or travel between themajority of the populations . today consumer habits are influenced by other countries because of the growing speed of communication worldwide We can´t hank the teenagers of the 1950s for the changes in fashion that stopped them looking like younger versions of their parents They were influenced by movies , television, magazines ,and especially rock music . Teenagers were a newmarketing focus group and consumer goods that had been denied during World War II were available. A consumer boom started, offering a wider variety of shopping options.
These days, it is becoming more difficult for teenagers to decide what to buy. Fashions are always changing and prices are different from store . Only a few years ago, teenagers bought most of their clothes, shoes, music, andelectronic items based on popularity or brand. But now young people have become responsible shoppers .They are asking questions about the products they want to buy.
Fashion brands are still very important to teenagers ,but now they want to know where certain things are made. They want to know who made the products and if the company allows children to work they want to know howmany calories and what ingredients their foods have as well as how healthy they are. They are also more aware of how much things cost. Some teenagers have part-time jobs but most teenagers have allowances .this is a certain amount of money that parents give their children a week. The amount may vary, but the reality is that teenagers must find the most value for their money . now, companiesknow that teenagers have a growing purchasing power and they are also learning to spend their money more wisely these days.
Companies target teenagers as their most important consumers because they know that teenagers will continue to buy their brands for very many years and become loyal clients. They have realized that teenagers are the consumers of the present and the future. Companiesspend billions of dollars on commercials for teenagers. This is why teenagers must become more responsible about shopping and not let commercials influence their decisions.
In 2008, a group of teenagers in South Los Angeles decided to boycott a fast-food hamburger restaurant because their menu did not give nutritional information. These teenagers wanted that information because there hadbeen a problem with weight among young people in the community. A big percentage of the teenagers were overweight. The group of teenagers organized a public demonstration and invited their friends to join their action. The fast-food chain quickly decided to write the nutritional information and calorie content on their menus. They did not want to lose their young customers. Today, you willsee calorie content on all menus so that you can compare and choose the best option for you.
Nowadays teenagers do not buy things just because everyone at school has one. They are looking at things like quality, Price , and durability among other things. They don t buy just anything studies have shown that teenagers are most interested in footwear, clothing, music, mobile phones , andelectronics as well as makeup, perfumes ,and accessories. Of course , some interests and preferences are more important than others, depending on the teenagers culture. But teens are no longer easily fooled by clever marketing. More and young people are researching all the qualities of their favorite products before marking a decision on what to buy,
Teenagers today communicate with each...
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