Páginas: 3 (503 palabras) Publicado: 2 de septiembre de 2014
he was in born 1706 in Boston. when he was 10 years old, he stopped going to school, and at 12 he began to work for his brother, a pinter. he went to live in philadelphia, and in 1729 he became theprinter of money for the pensylvania colony. he published a newspaper, the pensylvania gazette, and an almanac called poor richard's Almanac.
franklin was medium height and had light browwn hair. hewas not good looking. today he might be considered a ¨nerd¨. his biggetes interest was science. once during a storm, he placed a key on the line to a kite and discovered taht lightning is electrical.klater he invented the lightning rod. he also inventd bifocal glasses because he needed glasses for distance and close up.
his most important invention was the franklin stove. people used thefireplace for heating and cooking, but most of the heat went out the chimney; to solve this problem, he created an iron stove, which conserved heat in the room. this was as a representative at thecongresshe helped people write the colonies declaration of independece from england in 1776. he helped write the constitution for the new government. he died in philadelphia in1790, the year goerge washingtonbecame president.
when was bejamin frnklin born?
when did he stop going to school?
was he a printer?
where did he live his childhood?
which was newpaper name?
was he a good looking person?
howdid he discover the lightning is electrical?

Él nació en 1706 en Boston. cuandotenía 10 años de edad, dejó de ir a la escuela, ya los 12 comenzó a trabajar con su hermano, un pinter. se fue a vivir en Filadelfia, y en 1729 se convirtió en la impresora de dinero para la coloniapensylvania. publicó un periódico, el diario pensylvania, y un almanaque llamado Almanaque del pobre Richard.
Franklin era mediana estatura y tenía la luz de pelo browwn. él no era bien parecido....
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