
Páginas: 6 (1399 palabras) Publicado: 9 de febrero de 2013
Please provide feedback on: Insert ‘Sergio López’

Please return form to: Samir Salamanca Peña by: Laura Lorena Velasquez Q.
(Name of Manager)

360 feedback is necessary to provide managers with insight from multiple perspectives. Information provided to managers is used to assist in their talent review assessment ofleadership and identification of development opportunities. All information is confidential.
Leadership competencies reflect the skills necessary to achieve high performance. Provide a rating using the drop down menu and describe the individual's demonstration of each of the competencies listed below.

Leaders behave in an ethical and honest manner. Their personal behaviours and actions are aligned with Barrick’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and the company’s core values. They demonstrate these behaviours consistently and inspire employees to embrace and practice Barrick leadership attributes. Leaders engage with employees at all levels of theorganization showing genuine concern and appropriate empathy. They are considerate when interacting with others and they are true to their word, delivering on personal promises made. Leaders deal with sensitive information up and down the organization and ensure it is treated confidentially. They approach issues in a logical and clear fashion and are truthful and considerate when delivering badnews or unpopular decisions. Leaders provide specific and focused feedback in meaningful and respectful ways. They listen and treat people with respect and dignity. They walk the talk and interact with people inside and outside their functions through visible felt leadership.

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Employee Rating: 

|Demuestra un comportamiento ético y recto entodas las circunstancias. Por ejemplo, cuando en el desarrollo de sus funciones debe|
|interactuar con la Fuerza Pública. Se preocupa constantemente en dichas interacciones por la aplicación de las políticas de la |
|compañía y otras normas de carácter supra nacional como los Principios Voluntarios y otras a las cuales la compañía adhiere. |


Barrick leaders develop strategies based on market knowledge, business acumen, functional inclusion, fiscal diligence, and global awareness. They anticipate problems from trends and interacting with business and function teams and employees within the organization. They regularly look for and evaluateopportunities for improvement and value creation. They cultivate openness/transparency and demonstrate agility when leading change initiatives. They foster innovation with a focus on value creation. Leaders understand and demonstrate the importance of recognizing and controlling risk as they guide change throughout the organization. Through concrete actions, leaders illustrate the importance ofbuilding commitment and alignment when they are leading change. Leaders encourage continuous improvement and the sharing of knowledge and the use of continuous improvement tools.
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Employee Rating: 
|Necesita mejorar su capacidad para liderar cambios e iniciativas, que en ocasiones a pesar de ser sugeridas y ser adecuadas para |
|el mejoramiento, comotemas de seguridad para la oficina no se estudian y acogen de manera ágil. |

Barrick leaders have a broad perspective of the company and its overall strategic objectives, and they align their activities with that global vision. They...
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