Mauletti Guia_7

Páginas: 4 (957 palabras) Publicado: 10 de noviembre de 2015

UNRC - 2015-
Idioma Extranjero: Inglés (8026)
Objetivo: Proveer práctica de interpretación con la ayuda de un traductor online.

Preschool education or Infanteducation is the provision of education for children before the commencement of obligatory education, usually between the ages of zero or three and five, dependent on the jurisdiction.
The first systematictheory of early childhood pedagogy was propounded by Friedrich Froebel, the founder of the kindergarten. Other influential theorists include Maria Montessori and Jean Piaget.

What can preschoolteach our children?
Preschool provides a place where your child can gain a sense of self, explore, play with her peers, and build confidence. Kids in preschool discover that they are capable and cando things for themselves -- from small tasks like pouring their own juice and helping set snack tables to making decisions about how to spend their free time," says Angela Capone, PhD, seniorprogram manager at Southwest Human Development's Arizona Institute for Childhood Development, in Phoenix.
Quality preschools help children find answers through exploration, experimentation, andconversation. Young children can learn letters and numbers. They learn best through doing the kinds of activities that they find interesting -- storytime, talking to their teachers about stars, playing withblocks.
In preschool, teachers can play games and let kids tell stories. "Kids need to be imaginative and to socialize -- that's what fosters creativity, says Flynn.

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