
Páginas: 6 (1273 palabras) Publicado: 11 de noviembre de 2012
Medusa era una de las tres gorgonas. Medusa al nacer estaba cubierta con todos los encantos personales que puedan imaginarse y admirados todos aquellos que la veían la felicitaban y alababan su hermosura, en especial, sus cabellos. Además, tenía muchos pretendientes. Sin embargo, Medusa, terriblemente engreída, se atrevió a afirmar que era superior a la diosa Atenea y por supuesto, mucho másbella que ella. Atenea no esperó más y convirtió a Medusa en una horrible mujer transformando en serpientes sus cabellos, cubriendo su cuerpo de escamas desfigurando su rostro y agrandando sus dientes convirtiéndolos en colmillos y la obligó a vivir siempre con la lengua fuera. No contenta con esto, también convirtió a sus hermanas. Se ha llegado a decir que las gorgonas compartían un solo diente, unsolo ojo y un solo cuerno que se intercambiaban alternativamente. Como castigo aún mayor, Atenea embrujó a Medusa de tal forma que todo aquel que pudiera verla en su horrenda fealdad sería convertido en piedra. Tiempo después, el héroe Perseo, joven galante pero insensato, organizó una expedición para ir en su busca y matarla. Como ayuda, recibió el escudo de Atenea, la espada de Hermes y su talary un casco dado por Hades que le convertía en invisible. Perseo atravesó el océano en su busca y la halló durmiendo, así como todas sus culebras. Entonces, movido su brazo por Atenea, ya que no podía mirar a Medusa, le cortó la cabeza y la mató. Las otras górgonas intentaron vengarse pero Perseo escapó sin problemas. Como resultado de la muerte de Medusa nació Pegaso. Más tarde, el héroe utilizóla cabeza de Medusa para defenderse del temido gigante Atlas pues se la lanzó y éste quedó convertido en montaña.

Jellyfish was one of the three gorgonas. Jellyfish on having been born was covered with all the personal captivations that they could imagine and admired all those that saw her were congratulating and praising his beauty, especially, his hairs. In addition, ithad many claimants. Nevertheless, Jellyfish, terribly conceited, dared to affirm that it belonged superior to the goddess Atenea and certainly, much more beautiful than she. Atenea did not wait any more and turned to Jellyfish in a horrible woman transforming into serpents his hairs, covering his body of scales disfiguring his face and enlarging his teeth turning them into fangs and it forced her tolive always with the language out. It does not satisfy with this, also it turned his sisters. . It has managed to say that the gorgonas were sharing an alone tooth, an alone eye and an alone horn that was exchanged alternative. As still major punishment, Atenea haunted to Jellyfish in such a way that everything that one that could see her in his horrible unsightliness would be turned into stone.Time later, the hero Perseo, gallant but senseless young person, organized an expedition to go in his search and to kill her. As help, it received Atenea's shield, Hermes's sword and his to fell and a hull given by Hades that was turning him in invisibly. Perseo crossed the ocean in his search and found it sleeping, as well as all his snakes. At the time, blurred his arm for Atenea, since it couldnot look at Jellyfish, cut the head and killed her. Other górgonas tried to take revenge but Perseo escaped without problems. as the result of the death of Jellyfish was born Pegasus. Later, the hero used the head of Jellyfish to defend itself from the been afraid giant Atlas since she was thrown and this one remained turned into mountain.

Medusa was one of the three Gorgons.Medusa at birth was covered with every imaginable personal charms and admired all those who saw complimented and praised her beauty, especially her hair. Moreover, had many suitors. However, Medusa, terribly conceited, dared to say that was superior to the goddess Athena and of course much more beautiful than her. Athena waited no longer and turned Medusa into a hideous snake woman becoming her...
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