Mercado Regional Del Perú. Proyección En Países Vecinos

Páginas: 2 (441 palabras) Publicado: 18 de junio de 2012
That is the drug?
It is all substance that, introduced in the organism for any route of administration it produces an alteration of the normal functioning of the nervous centralsystem of the individual and is, in addition capable of creating dependence, already be psychological, a physics or both.
Que es la droga?
Es toda sustancia que, introducida en el organismo porcualquier vía de administración produce una alteración del natural funcionamiento del sistema nervioso central del individuo y es, además susceptible de crear dependencia, ya sea psicológica, física oambas.

* Familiar: They are the most frequent factors of risk especially in the alcoholism. In general there is permissiveness in the bosom of the family, problems ofcommunication, poor disciplinary styles, i reject of the parents, physical and sexual abuse, the disintegrated of homes, as well as the lack of suitable supervision of the family
* In the Society:Our societyis permissive with the alcohol and to this respect since we are born up to our death the social events are intermingled with the alcohol, the availability of the drinks play an important role for thebeginning of the illegal substances. The machismo is another psychological tax of cultural base that has relevancy great in the bosses of consumption of our society. They influence also the unhealthyfriendships with antisocial trends.

* Psychologies: The factors of risks mas recognized for the development of the additions are:

* Trastornos perturbadores Of behaviour
* Trastornosof personality
* Trastornos of personality dependiente
* Trastornos of personality evitante (anxious)
* Trastornos of personality antisocial (disocial)
* Trastornos of personalityhistriónica


This díptico contains the following:
Este díptico contiene el siguiendo:

* That it is the drug?
* Que es la droga?

* Consequence
* Cosecuencia...
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