navidad en Europa

Páginas: 11 (2727 palabras) Publicado: 12 de enero de 2014
Christmas in France:
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Nearly every French home during Christmas displays a cr�che or, in English a nativity scene, which serves as a focus for the Christmas celebration. As early as the 17thcentury, the forerunners of the domestic cr�che began to appear in the form homemade decorated glass called grottoes or rockeries. These were mainly found in upper and middle classhomes. Neapolitan cr�ches enjoy great success in France.
Unlike some countries gifts are given out on the 6th of December. That is called Saint Nicholas Day. Christmas has turned out to be one of the main religious festivals in France. The procession of the Christ child and the visit to the cr�che were essential elements of the traditions surrounding this great celebration. In France,although Easter remained the major religious festival, the festivities connected with Christmas grew, as the many carols and church or family creches demonstrate.
In the Middle Ages, French carols were dances accompanied by singing. Also the "carol" was a kind of round dance. In time the "carol" changed its meaning, referring to only to certain kinds of songs. A number of currently popularAmerican Christmas carols came directly from France.
Christmas is usually celebrated with all of the family coming together on Christmas Eve. Children in France put their sabots (shoes) in front of the fireplace where they hope Pere Noel, Father Christmas, will fill them with presents.
Pere Noels French partner is Pere Fouettard, father spanker, and he will "reward" bad children with a spanking.
FoodThe midnight service on Christmas Eve is traditionally followed by a meal called "Le Reveillion". Reveillion means to wake up or the first call of the day. Sidewalk cafes and restaurants are open all night serving "Le Reveillion". The meal can consist of oysters, sausages, wines, baked ham, roast fowl, salads, fruit and pasta.
Throughout France, one of the ways of decorating a houseis by using many types of flowers. They put these flowers around the house in bunches or by themselves. One of the most common places for flowers is the table.
This is the way French people celebrate Christmas.
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Christmas in FranceCasi todos los hogares franceses durante la Navidad muestra una crche o , en Inglés un belén , que sirve como un foco parala celebración de la Navidad . Ya en el siglo 17, los precursores de la crche interno comenzaron a aparecer en el cristal decorado forma casera llamada grutas o jardines rocosos . Estos se encuentran principalmente en los hogares de clase alta y media . Crches napolitanos disfrutan de un gran éxito en Francia.

A diferencia de algunos países de regalos se dan a cabo el 6 dediciembre. Eso se llama Día de San Nicolás . Navidad ha resultado ser una de las principales fiestas religiosas en Francia . La procesión del Niño Jesús y la visita a la crche eran elementos esenciales de las tradiciones que rodean a esta gran celebración. En Francia , a pesar de Pascua siguió siendo el principal fiesta religiosa , las festividades relacionadas con la Navidad crecieron , como los muchosvillancicos y la iglesia de la familia o guarderías demuestran .

En la Edad Media , los villancicos franceses eran bailes acompañados por el canto. También el " villancico " era una especie de danza circular . Con el tiempo el " villancico " cambió su significado , en referencia a sólo a ciertos tipos de canciones. Varios actualmente populares villancicos de Navidad americana vino directamentede Francia.

La Navidad se celebra generalmente con toda la familia que se unen en la víspera de Navidad. Los niños en Francia ponen sus zuecos (zapatos) en frente de la chimenea donde esperan Pere Noel , Papá Noel, los llenará de regalos.

Socio Pere Noels francés es Pere Fouettard , cangreja padre, y va a " recompensar" a los niños malos con una paliza .

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