Partes Del Cuerpo En Ingles

Páginas: 6 (1352 palabras) Publicado: 19 de febrero de 2013


Espanish | English | Definition |
1. cabeza | head | Human Head. Upper body of a human being, and higher or earlier of many animals, where some organs and brain |
2. pelo | Hair | Hair is a continuation of cornified skin, consisting of a keratin fiber comprising a stem and root. It grows in a follicle in the dermis, and is thecharacteristic feature of thin skin or thin. |
3. Frente | Forehead | the top of the face, above the eyebrows and below the hairline, seen in childhood (some people say they have bald forehead), comprising the bottom of the frontal bone |
4. Nuca | Nape | It is called the posterior neck and upper neck |
5. Oido | Ear | The ear shaped organs of balance and hearing. Also calledvestibulocochlear organ within the study of medicine. |
6. Ceja | Eyebrow | The eyebrow hairy area is located approximately 2 cm above the eye of the human face over the eye socket |
7. pestaña | Eyelash | The eyelash are individual hairs that are on the edges of the eyelids to the eyes defense. |
8. Ojo | Eye | Organs of the vision |
9. Nariz | Nose | It is the organ ofsmell and entrance to the respiratory tract. |
10. boca | mouth | is the body opening through which foods are ingested. |
11. Mejilla | Cheek | is each of the two protrusions that exist in the human face, below the eyes. |
12. Barba | Chin | The chin is the hair that grows on the chin (chin), neck and cheeks and under the lower lip of man |
13. Craneo | Skull | Is a bonebox that contains and protects the brain mainly |
14. cerebro | Brain | the process of centralization and cephalization of the nervous system more thorough and complex |
15. cerebelo | Cerebelium | is a region of the brain whose main function is to integrate the sensory pathways and motor pathways. |
16. Protuberancia anular | Pons | is the portion of the brain stem that islocated between the medulla and midbrain. |
17. Bulbo raquideo | Medulla | is the lowest of the three segments of the brainstem |
18. Liquid cefaloraquideo | Cerebrospinal fluid | is a colorless transparent liquid that bathes the brain and spinal cord. |
19. Cristalino | Lens | is a component of human eye with a biconvex lens is located behind the iris and in front of thevitreous. Its main purpose is to allow focus on objects at different distances. |
20. Cara | Face | is the front of the head, in humans the anterior part, from the eyebrows to the chin, are included eyebrows, eyes, ears, nose, cheeks, mouth, lips, teeth, skin, and chin. |
21. Labio inferior | Lower lip | lower lip is below a horizontal groove called sulcus labiomental. |
22. Labiosuperior | Upper lip | upper lip in the central area rises a rounded nodule called tuber. Above the node is a filter called depression. From the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth are called nasolabial grooves. |
23. Diente | Tooth | The tooth is a hard anatomical organ, located in the alveoli of the jaws through a special type of joint called gomphosis involved and the differentstructures that shape: tooth and alveolar bone cement both attached by the periodontal ligament. The tooth is composed of calcium and phosphorus, which give hardness. |
24. Dientes | Teeth | The teeth are mineralized tissue structures begin to develop from early age and which help us to chew food for proper digestion. The tooth does the first stage of digestion and also participates in oralcommunication. |
25. Lengua | Tongue | mobile organ located inside the mouth. |
26. Garganta | Throat | a throat above the neck portion of the spine. |
27. Amigdala | Tonsil | any organ consisting of a grid of epithelial tissue and lymph nodes containing follicles |
28. Encia | Gum | Is a fibromucosa formed by dense connective tissue covered with keratinized squamous...
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