phrasal verbs

Páginas: 3 (663 palabras) Publicado: 27 de febrero de 2015
(Go on) means to deal with, or against a task or job.
You know how to join the course? I do not know how.
How I can go about getting a copy of my birth certificate?

"(To go after ')means trying to achieve.
I sent my application today. I'll get that job.
He left after a high-paying job, but failed.

('Go after') can also mean follow or chase.
Michelle stopped suddenly afterPierre went after her.
I did not go after her when she left. I think I needed to be alone.

('Go ahead') means to begin or continue with something.
Although the risks were high, we decided to goahead with the project.
It was carried on without any problem. We are very happy.

("To go along) with 'mean agreeing with a person or idea.
I told him that would not work. I do not go along with itfrom the beginning.
In the end, he went with Jack even though he said he agreed with me.

('Moving') means leave a place or a company of a person.
Did you stay at home or did you go during theholidays?
Please, go away. I would be alone for a while.

('Back) "means returning to a place.
We had a great holiday in Spain last year. We are going back this year.
I had forgotten my passport andI had to get it back.

('To return) in' means to change its position on a promise or agreement.
I said I would. I can not go back now.
He returned to his promise and did not help me.

"(To go)'halftime to spend
A couple of hours passed before he called me back.
Twenty years passed before I returned it to see.

('Go by') can also mean going beyond or pass
I love sitting in a streetcafe watching the world go by.
He did not see me. He just passed without a word.
(Ir sobre ') significa que lidiar con o frente a una tarea o trabajo.
¿Sabes cómo inscribirse en el curso? Yono sé cómo hacerlo.
¿Cómo puedo ir sobre cómo obtener una copia de mi acta de nacimiento?

"(Para ir después ') significa tratar de conseguir.
Envié mi solicitud hoy. Voy por ese trabajo.
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