
Páginas: 8 (1866 palabras) Publicado: 14 de diciembre de 2012
Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 65(1)/2008 pISSN 1843-5270; eISSN 1843-5378

Oana L., A. Muste, C. Peştean, N. Mateş, Fl. Beteg, V. Miclăuş, C. Ober, C. Mărginean
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Manastur Str. No. 3-5, Cluj-Napoca Keywords: bovine; anesthesia; anesthetic; regional; nerveAbstract: Regional anesthesia at cattle provided a good superficial and deep analgesia which allowed effectuation of complex surgical interventions on standing restrained animal; at lower costs and without major risks.


Often it is possible to perform complex bovine surgery under neuroplegy and local and regional anesthesia; some of them even on standing restraint cattle. This type ofanesthesia has the advantage of using less toxic anesthetics; with neurovegetative protection; convenient anesthetic effects and at reasonable costs. It is possible to be applied with facility in field condition; without special equipments. In this paper our purpose was to accentuate in a suggestive manner the sites of administration for regional anesthesia; in the vicinity of peripheral nerve; toallow surgical procedures. In this context; we present this sites of administration on drawings; skeleton and clinical cases.

The observations were performed on 20 bovines which required surgical intervention. We have utilize the instruments normally used in injections; and as anesthetics we have choused lidocaine 2% and bupivacaine 0.75%; 10-20 ml. injected nearly ofnerves. Cranial nerves block: Frontal nerve block is recommended in surgery on upper eyelid and forehead; the needle is placed above de median canthus thru the middle of upper eyelid (fig. 1). Cornual nerve block is performed in dehorning and horn injures; below the frontal crest; midway the line joining the center of the orbit and the base of the horn (fig. 2). Retrobulbar block is recommended ininterventions on eyeball and his appendices; forehead; upper eyelid and temporal region; with many sites of administration: a. thru the middle of inferior eyelid the needle is introduced 5-10 cm under the eyeball toward the eyehole bottom (fig. 3a). b. in the anterior angle of temporal fossa the needle is introduced ~10 cm bon; toward temporomandibular joint (fig. 3b). c. at 1 cm of nasal angle;transpalpebral; the needle is placed between eyeball and socket; dorsal orientated and introduced for 10-12 cm deep (fig. 3c).


d. at the temporal angle of palpebral slant; transpalpebral; the needle is introduced beside eyeball in cranio-caudal direction and latero-medial toward opposite temporomandibular joint bon; after that the needle is draw back 0;5 cm (fig. 3d). Auriculopalpebralnerve block is recommended in eyelids operations; the needle is introduced oblique toward posterior; anterior of auricular muscle; bon (fig. 4).

Fig. 1 Frontal nerve block

Fig. 2 Cornual nerve block

b c a d
Fig. 4 Auriculopalpebral nerve block

Fig. 3 Retrobulbar block

Infraorbitar nerve block is recommended in interventions on upper lip and gums; the site of injection is theinfraorbital foramen (fig. 5a). Maxillary nerve block is indicated in interventions on nose; upper lip; premolars and molars; it is done by introducing the needle 3-4 cm in the infraorbital foramen (fig. 5b). Mental nerve supplies to the upper lip and it is blocked at the mentle foramen at 1 cm under the commissure of lips (fig. 6). Mandibulo-alveolar block causes desensitization of lower jaw; lower lipand molar teeth by introducing the needle approximate 6-7 cm deep; tangentially to medial surface of jaw at the intersection of imaginary line drawn from the masticatory surface of lower molar teeth bisected by the perpendicular line drawn from the lateral canthus of the eye; where is site of mandible foramen (fig. 7). Lingual and hypoglossal nerves block is recommended in tongue surgery; the...
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