Primer Condicional

Páginas: 2 (292 palabras) Publicado: 5 de diciembre de 2012
PrEl primer condicional de Inglés es como en epañol decir:

Si yo hago algo, pasa esto. (si hago algo tengo una consecuencia)


"If I runfast Í will win the race" (Si corro rápido ganaré la carrera)

"If I win the lotery I will be rich" (Si gano la lotería, seré rica)

"If I hit a glassit will breakes" (Si golpeo un vidrio, se romperá)

Si hago algo o pasa algo

Primer condicional: este tipo de oraciones se utiliza para expresar algoque siempre es
verdad o muy probable en el presente o futuro.
- If you eat too much sugar, you´ll have to visit the dentist.
- If you arelate again, your boss won´t be happy.
- If it rains, we won´t have to water the plants.
- We´ll still catch the train if we leave now.
La estructura delprimer condicional es:
If + frase en presente simple + frase en futuroo OBVIAMENTE pasará esta otra cosa como consecuencia.
I will eat again
*My momwill buy me a car 
*Tomorrow I will go to hunt 
*I will study tomorrow.
*After the game we will go for some snacks.
*Next month he will go to Europe.*Some of them will be sick next day.
*We will do the home work in groups
*After the game we will go for some snacks.
*You will go to my home next saturdayWon't

*I won't go to her party.
*I won't go to her party.
*They won't see the movie.
*She won't say you the truth.
*I won't dance all night *She won't tell you the truth
*I won't do that, It's so bad
*You won't go to the movies thomorrow
*He won't get here alone
*I wont' drink beer today
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  • primer condicional
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