Pronombres Personales Ingles

Páginas: 13 (3044 palabras) Publicado: 8 de noviembre de 2012
Números Cardinales

Número Cardinal | Escritura | Pronunciación |
1 | One | Uán |
2 | Two | Tú |
3 | Three | Zrii |
4 | Four | Fóar |
5 | Five | Faiv |
6 | Six | Six |
7 | Seven | Sevn |
8 | Eight | Éit |
9 | Nine | Náin |
10 | Ten | Ten |
11 | Eleven | Ilevn |
12 | Twelve | Tuelv |
13 | Thirteen | Zrtín |
14 | Fourteen | Fortín |
15 | Fifteen | Fiftiin |
16 |Sixteen | Sixtiin |
17 | Seventeen | Sevntiin |
18 | Eighteen | Eitiin |
19 | Nineteen | Naintiin |
20 | Twenty | Tuenti |
30 | Thirty | Zerti |
40 | Fourty | Forti |
50 | Fifty | Fifti |
60 | Sixty | Sixti |
70 | Seventy | Sevnti |
80 | Eighty | Eiti |
90 | Ninety | Nainti |
100 | One hundred | uan jándred |
200 | Two hundred | tú jándred |
1000 | One thousand | uanzausnd |
2000 | Two thousand | tú zausnd |
1000000 | One million | uan mílion |

Si quieres componer cantidades es fácil, solo tienes que aprender los números de 1 al 20, como se dicen las decenas (30, 40, 50), los cientos (hundred) y los miles (thousand), ahí te va un ejemplo:

35- Se compone de 30 - Thirty + 5- five, junto se escribe Thirty five

248 Two hundred (200) and (y) fourty eight(48)

595 Five hundred (500) and ninety five (95)

850 Eight hundred and fifty

912 Nine hundred and twelve

Para el caso de los existen 2 opciones, 

Opción A
1915 One tousand (1000) and nine hundred (200) and fifteen

Opción B
Divides en 2
1915 Nineteen (19) fifteen (15)

Números Ordinales
Números Ordinales | Escritura | Pronunciación |
1st | First | ferst | |
2nd |Second | second | |
3rd | Third | zerd | |
4th | Fourth | forz | |
5th | Fifth | fifz | |
6th | Sixth | sixz | |
7th | Seventh | sévnz | |
8th | Eighth | éitz | |
9th | Ninth | nainz | |
10th | Tenth | tenz | |
11th | Eleventh | ilévenz | |
12th | Twelfth | tuelz | |
13th | Thirteenth | tortiinz | |
14th | Fourteenth | fortiinz | |
15th | Fifteenth | fiftiinz ||
16th | Sixteenth | sixtiinz | |
17th | Seventeenth | Senventiinz |
18th | Eighteenth | eitiinz | |
19th | Nineteenth | nintiinz | |
20th | Twentieth | tuentiz | |
21st | twenty-first | tuenti-fersz |
22nd | twenty-second | tuenti-second |
30th | Thirtieth | zertiz | |
40th | Fortieth | fortiz | |
50th | Fiftieth | fiftiz | |
60th | Sixtieth | sixtiz | |
70th |Seventieth | sevntiz | |
80th | Eightieth | eitiz | |
90th | Ninetieth | naintiz | |
100th | Hundredth | jándredz | |
101st | hundred and first | jándred and fersz |
200th | two hundredth | tú jándredz |
1.000th | Thousandth | uan zausndz |
10.000th | ten thousandth | ten zausndz |
100.000th | one hundred thousandth | uan jándred zausndz |
1.000.000th | one millionth | uánmílionz |

ei =a
i= e
ai = i

Días de la semana

Español | Inglés | Pronunciación |
domingo | Sunday | Sondei |
Lunes | Monday | Mondei |
martes | Tuesday | Tiusdei |
miércoles | wednesday | Uednesdei |
jueves | Thursday | Zersdei |
viernes | Friday | Fraidei |
sábado | Saturday | Satordei |


Español | Inglés | Pronunciación |
Enero | January | Yenuari |febrero | February | February |
marzo | March | March |
Abril | April | Eipril |
Mayo | May | Mei |
Junio | June | Yun |
Julio | July | Yulai |
agosto | August | Ogost |
septiembre | September | September |
octubre | October | October |
noviembre | November | November |
diciembre | December | Dicember |

La Familia En Inglés (I) |
Español | INGLÉS | Se lee | Español |INGLÉS | Se lee |
Abuela | Grandmother | /grandmada*/ | Nieta | Granddaughter | /granddóta*/ |
Abuelo | Grandfather | /grandfada*/ | Nieto | Grandson | /grándson/ |
Abuelos | Grandparents | /grandperents/ | Nietos | Grandchildren | /grándchíldren/ |
Esposa | Wife | /uáif/ | Padre | Father | /fáda*/ |
Esposo | Husband | /hásband/ | Padres | Parents | /pérents/ |
Hermana | Sister |...
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