
Páginas: 3 (601 palabras) Publicado: 13 de febrero de 2015
The Proto-globalization or early modern globalization is a period in the history of globalization between 1600 and 1800. Coined by historians AG Christopher Alan Bayly Hopkins , the term describesthe phase of growing commercial ties and cultural exchanges that characterized the period immediately preceding the arrival of the so-called "modern globalization" in the XIX.1 century

TheProto-globalization differs from modern globalization by expansionism , method of managing international trade and the level of information exchange. The period of Proto-globalization was marked by tradingarrangements such as the East India Company , the change of hegemony to Western Europe, the origin of large-scale conflict between national powerful as the Thirty Years' War and the emergence of new goodsin particular African slaves . The triangular trade allowed Europe to take advantage of resources within the Western Hemisphere. The transfer of plants and animals and epidemic diseases associatedwith the concept of Columbian exchange of Alfred Crosby also played a central role in this process. Trade and communications Proto-globalization involving a large group including European merchants ,Muslims, India , Southeast Asia and China, particularly in the Indian Ocean.

The transition from Proto-globalization to modern globalization is characterized by a more complex global network based onboth capitalist and technological exchanges ; however , led to a significant collapse in cultural exchange.
El video que observamos hace referencia al proceso de la comunicación, loslenguajes no verbales y algunos verbales, nos muestra como es importante nuestra expresión no verbal es situaciones como las que observamos, nuestras expresiones, gestos, movimientos de labios, demanos, de cómo nos paramos etc…
Nuestra forma de expresarnos físicamente puede decir más q decirlo con palabras, una mirada, un gesto, cosas que uno logra dar a entender al otro por esos aspectos...
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