
Páginas: 4 (956 palabras) Publicado: 2 de noviembre de 2012
Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela
Universidad de Carabobo
Facultad de Ciencias de la SaludEscuela de Bioanálisis
Departamento de IdiomasAsignatura Ingles

* Roger Duran C.I. 21.425.933
* Edicer A. Gómez C.I. 23.792.180
Sección “3”

Maracay, 21 de Septiembre 2012.UNIT 2

Section I: Shapes

Has an ovoid shape with two ends or poles: the anterior (front) and posterior that is thicker than the last.

Section II: Properties

Thebrain is a constituent part of the brain, which in turn is the portion of the central nervous system of vertebrates contained within the skull. Is related to the remaining parts of the brain, iscentral stem and cerebellum. It is the control center of the movement, sleep, hunger, thirst, and almost all vital activities necessary for survival. All human emotions like love, hate, fear, anger, joyand sadness, are controlled by the brain. It also is responsible for receiving and interpreting the myriad signals that come from the body and the outside.


Section I: LocationThe brain is located inside the skull

Section II: Anatomical Terms to Describe Positions
The brain is located in the median plane, dividing into two hemispheres: right and left

Section I: Structure

The brain is split into the left and right hemispheres by the longitudinal fissure, The different brain areas are segmented by deep grooves, called sucli , and by functionalaspects. The very back part of the brain contains the cerebellum, which is attached to the Hindbrain. The Cerebellum is not very well understood, but it has been implicated in the coordination of...
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