Reforma Canviaria Y Monetaria

Páginas: 40 (9811 palabras) Publicado: 4 de noviembre de 2012
CAPITULO Comandos Net
Muchos comandos de red de Windows NT empiezan por la palabra net. Estos comandos net tienen algunas propiedades en común: • Puede ver una lista de todos los comandos net disponibles si escribe net/? • Puede obtener ayuda sobre la sintaxis en la línea de comandos para un comando net si escribe net help [comando]. Por ejemplo, si desea ayuda sobre el comando net accounts,escriba net help accounts. Todos los comandos net aceptan las opciones /yes y /no (se pueden abreviar a /y y /n). La opción /y responde automáticamente `sí’ a cualquier mensaje interactivo que genere el comando, mientas que /n responde `no’. Por ejemplo, net stop server suele pedirle que confirme que desea detener todos los servicios que dependen del servicio Servidor; net stop server /y respondeautomáticamente `sí’ al mensaje y se cierra el servicio Servidor.

AT Usage: Schedules batch files. Examples: AT [\\computername] [id] [/delete] time [/interactive] [/every: date [,…]| /next: date [,…] “command” AT \\Corpnt1 00:00 /every 5 “backup.bat” Switch/Value “command” \\computername /delete /every: date[,…] id /interactive /next: date[,…] time Description Specifies program or batch fileto be run. Specifies remote computer where command is to be run. If omitted, command is run on local machine. Cancels a scheduled command. If omitted, all scheduled commands are cancelled. Specifies the day of the month when the command is to be run. If omitted, the default becomes the current day. Assigns an identification number to a command Permits the job to interact with the desktop of theuser logged on at the time the command is run. Specifies the next day of the month when the command is to run. Specifies the time when the command is to run (formatted as hours:minutes in 24-hour format).

ARP Usage: Displays and modifies the IP-to-physical address translation tables used by Address Resolution Protocol. Examples:

ARP –s inet_addr eth_addr [if_addr] ARP –d inet_addr [if_addr]ARP –a [inet_addr] [-N if_addr] Switch/Value -a -g -d eth_addr if_addr Description Displays current ARP cache entries (-g doesn’t work with Windows for Workgroups). Deletes a static entry from the ARP cache. Specifies a physical address (uses 6 hyphenated hexadecimal bytes). Specifies Internet address of the interface whose address translation table is to be modified. If not present, the firstapplicable interface is used. Specifies Internet address (four octet dotted decimal representation of the IP address). Displays the ARP entries for specified network interface. Adds a static entry to the ARP cache.


-N -s IPCONFIG Usage: Displays and modifies Internet Protocol configuration. Examples: IPCONFIG /all IPCONFIG /renew_all IPCONFIG /Batch ./WINIPCFG.OUT Switch/Value /all/Batch /renew_all /release_all /renew n /release n

Description Provides an IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway listing for each NIC. Writes IPCONFIG data to specified file. Renews Internet Protocol configuration parameters for all adapters. Releases Internet Protocol configuration parameters for all adapters. Renews Internet Protocol configuration parameters for specified adapter.Releases Internet Protocol configuration parameters for specified adapter.

NBTSTAT Usage: Displays and modifies NetBIOS over TCP/IP configuration. Example: NBTSTAT [-a RemoteName] [-A IP address] [-c] [-n] [r] [-R] [-s] [-S] [interval] Switch/Value -a -A -c Description Lists the remote machine’s name table given its name. Lists the remote machine’s name table given its IP address. Lists the remotename cache including the IP addresses.

interval IP address -n -r -R RemoteName -S -s

Seconds to pause between redisplaying statistics. CTRL+C stops redisplay. Four octet dotted decimal representation of the IP address. Lists local NetBIOS names. Lists names resolved by broadcast and via WINS. Purges and reloads cache. Remote host machine name. Lists sessions table with the destination IP...
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