Taller Integraci N Econ Mica

Páginas: 10 (2440 palabras) Publicado: 27 de marzo de 2015
Universidad Santo Tomás – Seccional Tunja
Facultad de Negocios Internacionales
Integración Económica


Taller Integración Económica

1. En este punto es necesario escoger un sector de la economía nacional y escoger cuatro tratados de libre comercio que haya firmado Colombia. (1.5 puntos)

a) Una vez escogido el tratado de libre de comercio, identifique los estados queintervienen en cada acuerdo e identifique qué clase de integración económica es. Justifique su repuesta.
b) Escriba el impacto que para los países ha tenido la firma de este tratado de libre comercio.
c) Evalúe las potencialidades y desventajas que tendrían este tratado para el sector escogido.

2. Colombia está en el proceso de firmar Acuerdos de libre comercio con Japón y con el Acuerdo sobre elComercio de Servicios (Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA). (1.5 puntos)
Sobre estos procesos indague y argumente:
a. ¿Qué impacto positivo tendría para las partes involucradas que vayan a firmar esto acuerdos?
b. ¿Qué sectores estarían en desventaja al firmar estos dos acuerdos?

3. Comprensión de lectura. Leer y resolver las preguntas sobre este caso. Se requiere que las respuestas seanargumentativas. (2 puntos).

Case of study “The European Energy Market”

For several years now the European Union, the largest regional trading block in the world, has been trying to liberalize its energy market, replacing the markets of its 27 member states with a single continentwide market for electricity and gas. The first phase of liberalization went into effect in June 2007. When fully implemented,the ability of energy producers to sell electricity and gas across national borders will be improved, increasing competition. The road toward the creation of a single EU energy market, however, has been anything but easy. Many national markets are dominated by a single enterprise, often a former state-owned utility. Electricitie de France, for example, has an 87 percent share of that country´selectricity market. Injecting competition into such concentrated markets will prove difficult.

To complicate matters, most of these utilities are vertically integrated, producing, transmitting, and selling power. These vertically integrated producers have little interest in letting other utilities use their transmission grids to sell power to end users, or in buying power from other producers. Forthe full benefits of competition to take hold, the EU recognizes that utilities need to be split into generation, transmission, and marketing companies so that the business of selling energy can be separated from the businesses of producing it and transmitting it. Only then, so the thinking goes, will independent power marketing companies be able to buy energy from the cheapest source, whether itis within national borders or elsewhere in the EU, and resell it to consumers, thereby promoting competition.

For now, efforts to mandate the deintegration of utilities are some way off. Indeed, in February 2007 national energy ministers from the different EU states rejected a call from the European Commission, the top competition body in the EU, to break apart utilities. Instead the energyministers asked the Commission for more details about what such a move would accomplish, thereby effectively delaying any attempt to deintegrate national power companies. In mid 2008, they reached a compromise that fell short of mandating the unbundling, or deintegration, of national energy companies due to powerful opposition from France and Germany among others (both nations have large verticallyintegrated energy companies).

The response of established utilities to the creation of a single continentwide market for energy has been to try to acquire utilities in other EU nations in an effort to build systems that serve more than one country. The underlying logic is that larger utilities should be able to realize economies of scale, which would enable them to compete more effectively in a...
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