Toltec Culture

Páginas: 3 (509 palabras) Publicado: 29 de noviembre de 2012
The Toltec culture is a Mesoamerican archeological culture whose main ceremonial center was the city of Tollan- Xicocotitlan, located in what is now Tula de Allende (Hidalgo, Mexico). The gentilicioderived from the Nahuatl toltecatl, that’s originally designated to the places named Tollan, but that after, during the Mexica era it turned to be the synonymous of craftsman or artist. This isbecause, among other things, the mythological relationship between Xiococotitlan and the Tollan.

The Toltec were the main ethnicity of a state whose influence got extended to the actual state ofZacatecas and the southeast of the Yucatan. The relationship between the Toltec and Mayas from the post classic period has been objects of big controversy.

The Toltec contributed important changes to thearchitectural standards that existed on Mesoamerica at the IX century one of them is the employed of anthropomorphic sculptures that held the head of the ceiling of a room, making a big inside spacelike its appreciated on the Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli temple. Its estimated that Tula had around of 30,000 people that lived in a big complex with only one floor with plane ceilings and basically they wereof stone and ground. Excluding the ceremonial zone, the design of the residential areas reflected clearly that they were different kind of neighborhoods.

From the most important architecturalelements were the B prime with it called Atlantes, Figures over 4,60 meters of high and that one day they had supported the temple. According to the remaining’s of paint it indicates that its wasprobably painted to represent the Toltec warrior from Mixcoatl.

In the domestic habit they posed three kinds of rooms, habitation, house groups, the residential units, and the residential palatial.

Theeconomy was based on the agriculture of extended fields of beans, corn and amaranth that were the principal crop. As same as others Mesoamerican states, the trades played a fundamental roll of raw...
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  • Cultura Tolteca
  • Cultura Tolteca
  • cultura tolteca

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