Vocabulario En Ingles

Páginas: 53 (13045 palabras) Publicado: 14 de febrero de 2013
Describing people
Adolescente | Adolescent, Teenager |
Adulto/a | Adult |
Adulto; Mayor | Grown-up |
Alegre | Cheerful |
Alto | Tall |
Amable | Friendly, kind |
Amable; Dulce | Sweet |
Ambicioso | Ambitious |
Anciano; Mayor | Elderly |
Apuesto/Guapo | Handsome |
Arrogante | Arrogant |
Arruga | Wrinkle |
Aspecto | Appearance |Atractivo | Attractive |
Bajo | Short |
Barba | Beard |
Bebé | Baby |
Bigote | Moustache |
Bonachón; Afable | Good-natured |
Bueno; Obediente | Well-behaved |
Calvo | Bald |
Carácter | Character |
Chico/Niño | Boy |
Chico; Niña | Girl |
Comportarse/Portarse | To behave |
Cruel | Cruel |
De mal carácter/genio | Bad-tempered |
De mediana edad | Middle-aged |
Decidido |Decisive |
Delgado | Thin |
Distraído | Absent-minded |
Divertido | Amusing |
Educado | Polite |
Encantador | Charming |
Engreído;Vanidoso | Conceited |
Entusiasta | Enthusiastic |
Esbelto; Delgado | Slim |
Estúpido | Stupid |
Feo | Ugly |
Flaco | Skinny |
Generoso | Generous |
Gente | People |
Gordo | Fat |
Gracioso | Funny |
Grosero; Maleducado | Rude |
Guapa/o| Beautiful |
Guapo | Good-looking |
Guapo(chicas,bebés); Bonito | Pretty |
Hombre | Man |
Inteligente | Intelligent |
Joven | Young, youth |
Listo | Clever |
Loco | Crazy |
Malo | Bad |
Malo | Nasty |
Malo; Malvado | Wicked |
Modesto | Modest |
Moreno/Oscuro | Dark |
Mujer | Woman |
Nervioso | Nervous |
Niño/a; Pequeño/a | Toddler |
Niño/Niña | Child |
Optimista| Optimist |
Pecas | Freckles |
Pelo | Hair |
Perezoso | Lazy |
Persona | Person |
Pesimista | Pessimist |
Preocupado; Inquieto | Anxious |
Rubio | Blond, fair |
Señor; Caballero | Gentleman |
Señora | Lady |
Sensato; Razonable | Sensible |
Sensible | Sensitive |
Serio | Serious |
Simpático | Nice |
Tacaño | Mean |
Tez/Cutis | Complexion |
Tierno; dulce | Gentle |Tímido | Shy |
Tío; Tipo | Chap |
Tonto | Silly |
Tranquilo | Calm, quiet |
Travieso; Malo | Naughty |
Valiente | Brave |
Viejo | Old |

Aburrido | Bored ; Weary |
Afable | Affable ; Pleasant |
Agradecido | Grateful |
Alegre | Happy ; Joyful ; Cheerful |
Alegría | Joy |
Ambicioso | Ambitious |
Amor | Love |
Angustioso |Distressing |
Anormal | Abnormal |
Ansioso ; Inquieto | Anxious |
Apasionado | Extremely ; Passionately fond |
Apático | Apathetic ; Indifferent |
Asombrado ; Atónito | Amazed |
Asombrado ; Sorprendido | Astonished |
Astuto | Astute |
Aterrorizado | Terrified |
Autoritario | Authoritarian |
Avergonzado | Ashamed |
Avergonzado ; En un apuro | Embarrassed |
Bueno | Good |Celoso | Jealous |
Conformista | Conformist ; Orthodox |
Contento | Glad |
Deprimido | Depressed |
Desdichado | Unhappy |
Desilusionado , Decepcionado | Disappointment |
Disgustado ; Afectado | Upset |
Egoísta | Selfish ; Egoistic ; Egoistical |
Embaucador | Deceptive ; Deceiving |
Emotivo | Emotional |
Encantado | Delighted |
Energico | Vigorous |
Enfadado | Angry |Entusiasmado ; Emocionado ; Nervioso | Excited |
Envidioso | Envious |
Esperanza | Hope |
Felicidad | Happiness |
Feliz ; Contento | Happy |
Furioso | Furious |
Grito | Scream |
Hipócrita | Hypocritical |
Humor | Mood |
Impaciente ; Ansioso , Ilusionado | Eager |
Impresión ; Shock | Shock |
Individualista | Individualistic |
Infeliz | Miserable |
Inteligente | Intelligent ;Clever |
Ira | Rage |
Irritable | Irritable |
Lástima | Pity |
Llorar | To cry |
Malvado | Evil ; Wicked ; Villainous |
Melancólico | Melancholic ; Melancholy ; Gloomy |
Miedo | Fear |
Molesto ; Enfadado | Annoyed |
Necesidad | Need |
Nervioso | Nervous |
Odio | Hate |
Optimista | Optimistic |
Orgullo | Pride |
Orgulloso | Proud ; Arrogant ; Haughty |
Pesimista |...
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