
Páginas: 28 (6808 palabras) Publicado: 13 de enero de 2013
Rule #1 of a lady: KEEP IT CLASSY ♥

I want to be that girl that makes your worst day better. I want you to look at me and say "My life has changed since I met you" ♥ 

everyone is born beautifull, it's society that's fucked up ♥

Yes we fight. No, we don't always agree with each other. Yes, he is my best friend. Yes, we are very very different. But you know what? We love each other eventhough we fight, we don't agree, we make each other mad, we make each other cry. That's what love's all about. You love the person through the good, the bad and the worse. You stick with them through thick and thin. You have each other's backs. THAT is what love is. And by the look of if I'd say we're doing a pretty good damn job.

In my opinion the best thing you can you do is find a person wholoves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person will still think the sun shines out of your ass. That’s the kind of person that’s worth sticking with.

"I’m saying I’m in love with you! I’ve been in love with you this whole bleeding year!"
-Stephanie Perkins

Now here we are, so close
Yet so far, haven't I passed the testWhen will you realize
Baby, I'm not like the rest

"Just because you've failed once, it doesn't mean you're going to fail at everything" -Marilyn Monroe. ♥

-her: Please don't fall in love with me.
-him: I probably will, at some point.
-her: No, you won't. I'm crazy and too emotional. I'm a mess. I'll ruin you. I'll bring you down with me, and you're beautiful. I'm out of control,falling apart and lost. No one could love this. I'm a train wreck. I'm horrible.
-him: I don't really mind. I think you're wonderful.

You can wear my hat, just make sure you give it back(8)

Fuck summer romances!
All I need are my friends, the music & a whole summer that I'll remember forever ♥

Everyone makes mistakes. There is no shame in giving second chances to someone that's owned upto them.

Lo qu no sirve nunca servira y lo que no motiva pal carajo se ira :D
“El pasado nunca se muere, es mas ni siquiera es pasado

el amor es de papel & brilla como el aluminio
every girl has that one guy she goes back to, heartbreak after heartbreak & nobody knows why, not even her & she just can't let go . . ♥
trust no player. fear no bitch. give no pussy. suck no dick.people play games & are full of shit. play the role & be the baddest bitch ;) ♥
miro hacia atras, & no puedo creer que me conforme con tan pokoo.. ;)
There's no right or wrong when one chooses to be happy. It's just a battle between one's own happiness and the judgment of others.. ♥
hoy en dia con la tecnologia, la magia es distinta. en vez de encontrarte el amor de tu vida en unbus, te lo encuentras en un friend request ♥
calle 13
people can say whatever they want about me, but at the end of the day i am still going to be me, & live my god damn life ;)
-megan fox ♥

El verdadero problema con el amor es que muchos lo dicen, pero pocos lo demuestran.

you will never see it my way because you are not me.- Britney Spears ♥ ;)

& si amor es lo que buscas..-> me dicen que eso MATA ;) *
la locura no se sufre, porque no hay nada mejor que disfrutar perder la cordura ;)

"HONESTLY, I don't have time to hate people who hate me, because I am to busy loving people who love me."
Why be fake? When being real takes less effort ;)

''It's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.";

Opss i did it again , i play with yourheart . Babe babe opss (8)

Remember all those times i swore i needed you?
Well consider them lies , because babe , here i am without you and i survived
* Weeezy

lo facil aburre pero lo dificil agota y sinceramente estoy cansada paresco tu mascota y no te creas el rey de roma porque de especial no tienes nada y como cualquier otro tipo con mucho guille que andas , con ese flow de que...
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