A KISS BEFORE BUYING Junio 2005 2006

Páginas: 5 (1041 palabras) Publicado: 30 de septiembre de 2015

Prueba de acceso a la Universidad de Extremadura
Curso 2005-2006

Asignatura: INGLÉS

Tiempo máximo de la prueba: 1h. 30 min.

El alumno deberá responder en inglés a las cinco preguntas que se formulan. (Puntuación
máxima del ejercicio: 10 puntos. Puntuación máxima de cada pregunta: 1ª pregunta: 4 puntos;
2ª pregunta: 1,5; 3ª pregunta: 1,5; 4ª pregunta: 1; 5ª pregunta: 2).
A Kiss BeforeBuying
Two gay men shopping for a dinning room table together may not seem such a surprise these
days, but in 1994 nothing similar had appeared on TV. Swedish retailer Ikea portrayed the first
gay couple in a TV commercial (advertisement), and though it was briefly shown in just a few
Cities, it became worldwide news.
Ten years later, gays and lesbians have become very important I televisionprogramming and
movies but have rarely graced ordinary advertisements. Despite its creative bent, the industry
has remained reluctant to recognize gays either in advertising or internal business policies. A
1997 survey of 50 agencies of varying sizes obtained just nine responses to Window Corporation,
a marketing and public relations firm specializing in the gay market. Only three recognizedsamesex couples benefits, and five had an inclusive non- discrimination policy.
However, a number of advertisers are beginning to find a comfort level with gay themes, which
are becoming increasingly common. The motive is not really to catch the much-solicited gay
dollar but to use the cachet that gay seems to add to certain brands. By using gay themes, many
forward-thinking advertisers are positioningtheir products as being young and fashionable.
In some cases a gay theme is used for comic effect. Early this year a New York-based company
started running local commercial on the Comedy Central cable network about a woman meeting
a blind date in the park. She sits next to attractive, bookish man whom she thinks may be her
date until he is met by a gay who plants a big kiss on him.
1. Do youthink gay people are discriminated against our society? Express your opinion in
around 80-100 words.
2. According to the text, what is the main reason that gay people are shown in ads
nowadays? (Give a short answer)
3. Imagine you are a shop assistant and a customer is not satisfied with a table he has
bought in your shop. Apologize for having a sold table in bad condition.
4. Combine the followingtwo sentences by replacing the underlined words with a relative
pronoun to form a relative clause: a. The woman is meeting a blind date. B. The woman
is sitting next to an attractive man in the park.

Find two words in the text containing vowels or groups of vowels which are pronounced in
the same way as u in number, a in days, and o in local (underline the part of the word
which contains thesound).

Los criterios de evaluación están estrechamente unidos a los objetivos que se
proponen en las directrices generales, es decir, el logro de un dominio medio de las
cuatro destrezas (compresión y expresión en su doble vertiente: oral y escrita). El grado
de ese dominio, el nivel, viene marcado por las necesidades comunicativas del mundo
actual. Se exige delalumno la capacidad de mantener una conversación elemental
(emisión y recepción del mensaje) y un conocimiento suficiente para comprender,
producir y resumir un texto escrito sencillo. Conviene insistir en la necesidad de utilizar,
al menos de vez en cuando, ‘materiales auténticos’ –no preparados ni adaptados-, de
tipo científico y literario, que se ajusten a las orientaciones profesionales de losalumnos
y a las nuevas tecnologías imperantes. En consecuencia, la valoración de estos objetivos
se efectuará del modo siguiente:

En su vertiente fonológica, se valorará la consecución de una
razonablemente correcta que garantice la comunicación
oral del mensaje.


En su dimensión morfosintáctica, se perseguirá y valorará también un
dominio de la estructura gramatical...
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