10 Tips To Save The Planet

Páginas: 3 (574 palabras) Publicado: 27 de mayo de 2012
10 tips to save the planet
Becoming a greener person is not as difficult as it seems. There are little things we can do every day to help our negative impact on the environment. Caring for the Earthis not only a responsibility, it is a privilege and a pleasure!
This article aims to propose 10 key gestures that everyone can apply only in your home.
There is avery simple remedy for the use of car or any other means of motorized transport staff: going to work differently, for example by using alternative transport. If we can get to work on foot or by bicycleis sometimes possible and more practical. If we are forced to use our car, we can consider the carpool car or public transport.
Also, train or boat are more environmentally friendly than theplane. For land travel, prefer the train routes and their rental, if you can not use the train, because of the sea or ocean, think of the boat: it is slower but the trip is also part of the holiday and willbeinstalled more comfortable.
[Edit] Reduce our consumption of meat
Contrary to popular belief, a diet with little meat in addition to being good for health [1], is also favorable for theenvironment.Without necessarily becoming vegetarian, moderate consumption of meat (2 times a week) can reduce their ecological impact. More and more forests are cut down to make room for some fields whose solepurpose is to produce grain for animal feed.

 [Edit] Eat local produce
For our food, our clothes, our furniture, always consider the negative impact of transport of these goods. Consume and produceat the local level can also be produced locally.
[Edit] Management of water resources
Small things can have great importance. It is best not to let the tap run all the time while we brush ourteeth. Washing clothes in biodegradable and cold water is also very important.
[Edit] Recycle
We can help reduce pollution just by putting our plastic bottles in a trash differently. If you hesitate in...
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