What Can Be Done To Save The Galapagos Islands?

Páginas: 3 (678 palabras) Publicado: 6 de octubre de 2012
The Galapagos Islands are a unique place in the world and for that reason it is imperative to do many things to preserve the Islands. In fact, people and authorities have to take urgent measures torescue the Islands. Accordingly, it is necessary to educate people who live there and tourists about disastrous consequences like overpopulation. Furthermore, it is important to establish strong newlaws to control the number of tourists or illegal fishing. Finally, the allocation of funds is essential in the general government budget to finance programs related to nature conservation, and peoplehave to promote international fundraising to preserve the Islands. Thus, people can protect the Galapagos Islands by doing things like improving the education of people, establishing new laws, andraising money.

Teaching people who live in the Islands and the tourists about the consequences of overpopulation, illegal animal traffic, and the introduction of foreign species is necessary if onewants to preserve the Islands. First, people need to know that overpopulation can destroy the Islands because their ecosystem is very fragile. Also, tourists should know that they cannot pollute theIslands. For example, the government should carry out advertising campaigns about the damage that people can cause in the Islands. In addition, it is crucial to give information to people about theeffects of illegal animal trafficking, and the problem that introducing foreign species can produce in the Islands. People usually bring animals that threaten other endemic species like enormousturtles. For example, animals like goats are very harmful because they eat the food of the other animals. Consequently, one of the most important things that Government can do is educate people about thebenefits of taking care of the Islands.
In the second place, creating strong laws to control and protect this special environment is fundamental. Actually, immigration is a huge problem in the...
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