Páginas: 4 (877 palabras) Publicado: 14 de junio de 2012
Unit 4 title | I am my logo |
Teacher | Pedro Cruz |
Subject and grade level | Visual Arts 8 |
Time frame and duration | January 11 - February 13- 2012 |
Stage 1: Integrate significantconcept, area of interaction and unit question.
Areas of Interaction focusWhich area of interaction will be our focus? | | Significant conceptsWhat are the big ideas?
What do we want our students toretain for years into the future? |
Health and social educationHow does art impact on society? On individuals? On me?Human IngenuityAn awareness onWhat can I create in response to personal ideas orfeelings?How important are the arts for personal development? How important a role do the arts play in human communication?How is art developing in my time and culture?EnvironmentsHow can my art impacton the school environment? | | Nowadays the visual has been a very important part of culture. Wherever we look at, there are advertising ads, the internet as a resource is primary visual, t.v. andmovies are still strong in contemporary societies.The visual is considered as a powerful way of knowing. Symbolism as a concept will play a key role while developing this unit and its related projects.|

MYP Unit question |
how can we come to create something visual which conveys what we are, a graphic that can convey our ideas, thoughts, likes and dislikes? |

Assessment Whattask(s) will allow students the opportunity to respond to the unit question?What will constitute acceptable evidence of understanding? How will students show what they have understood? |
1.Research an inquiry about t what it is often referred as a ‘logo’. Find out why a ‘logo’ is so important for big trade and commerce companies, what elements are taken into account to create a ‘logo’. 2.Students will choose a ‘logo’ of their preference and will argument why that given ‘logo’ is so interesting. 3. Designing, planning and conceiving ideas. Communicating them in an artistic way....
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