
Páginas: 22 (5266 palabras) Publicado: 18 de febrero de 2013
Personal Communication Channels

Channel, in communications (sometimes called communications channel), refers to the medium used to convey information from a sender (or transmitter) to a receiver.

Personal communication is communication between two or more persons with a specific person communication with others. The message emanates from a specific person. It can be done face to face,or by a person to audience, over telephone, or through post or couriers or through emails or through mobile messages.

Personal communication channel exist outside the formally authorized channels. These are informal communications that coexist with formal channels but may skip hierarchical level, cutting across vertical chains of command to connect virtually anyone in the organization.Personal networking
Refer to the acquisition and cultivation of personal relationships that cross department, hierarchical, and even organizational boundaries.
Networking has undergone a complete transformation. From a time when it had distasteful connotations with power-hungry megalomaniacs, who would develop social relationships to turn to their business advantage, it has become an essential butaltruistic tool for those wishing to be the best they can be.
Relationships are critical to success; so often, knowing the right person to ask is as valuable as knowing the answer yourself, if not more so. Being well-connected is the ultimate source of personal effectives and advantage. And it's now a case of shared success - with what you can give being as important as what you get out of yournetworking success.
“Networking is making links from people we know to people they know, in an organized way, for a specific purpose, while remaining committed to doing our part, expecting nothing in return.” (Donna Fisher)

Management by Wandering Around
Once considered an innovative management technique, MBWA is now routinely adopted in the company culture of many start-ups and largecorporations alike. The idea is not to micro-manage employees, but rather, nurture informal communications and a corresponding decrease in bureaucratic lines of communications.
Obviously, Management By Wandering Around does not mean just wandering around looking dumb and lost. Rather, managers at all levels, and especially senior executives, should get out of the executive suite and engage employees atall levels. The benefits are numerous.
What is actually meant by MBWA is that managers can best communicate their expectations and requirements in daily, informal meetings with employees. This includes both task and ethical expectations. It enables managers to communicate organizational values and management philosophy at a personal level. It helps build trust and relationships.
Your employeesgain in two important ways from MBWA:
• They learn first-hand what is expected or required of them in performing their job and what they can do to be successful (tasks and ethics).
• They get a real sense of "how they are doing" at this point in time (tasks and ethics).
Be certain that employees understand exactly what you expect. What has to be done? When and to what standards? How will theirwork will be evaluated? What should they do if they encounter any roadblocks or unanticipated changes? And what is expected of them when handling "gray areas" where expectations may be unclear or conflicting?
MBWA is an excellent way to remind your employees of the organization's operational priorities. If safety, quality and customer service come first for example, then you can help to enforcethese priorities through regular contact with your employees. And being clear regarding what you expect of them when they experience conflicts between any of these core values, will go a long way toward avoiding costly problems.
Tips for making MBWA successful:
• Do it to everyone.
• Do it as often as you can.
• Go by yourself.
• Don’t circumvent subordinate managers.
• Ask questions.
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