Abortion essay

Páginas: 2 (485 palabras) Publicado: 3 de diciembre de 2010
Should we protect life?

Jairo García

Expresión Oral y Escrita en Inglés 2
Melany Rodriguez Cáceres
November 4, 2010

Should we protect life?

Abortionis a social, economic, and educative problem. The modernization, globalization, and the new technologies tendencies have allowed an increase in the abortion cases. However, abortion is a problem, andit is not only a problem in Colombia, also, in other countries around the world.
There are two types of abortion, which are: spontaneous abortion, as Castellanos (1986) states: “the spontaneousabortion consists on a fetus loss in a natural way”, this abortion type occurs few times; and, the therapeutic abortion consists on a fetus loss of voluntary way”.
This problem may have differentsolutions as: 1. in the last years the government had supported contraception campaigns, with methods like injections and condoms, but, we can realize that there have been a lot of campaigns and the problemis even worst, so, we can say that contraceptive methods probably extending the sex without control. As a result, increases the number of unwanted pregnancies. The solution for before problem is thatthe government like power authority must lay down law attacking evil and promote the welfare of the citizens, that to say which the government should be defend the rights of son andmother. Therefore, the law should discourage to the mothers from abortion and the law should provide solutions to give birth. 
2. Teaching at the schools and universities values like respect, responsibility andsincerity, promoted lately the Catholic Church, it has invited that the decision is which mother and father have the baby and be aware about the life, and, they together must assume this like a challengewhich according to Church, God has given them.

Abortion has different points of view, for example Giraldo and Castellanos states: “God only can decides the fate of soul” and, “economical...
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