
Páginas: 89 (22121 palabras) Publicado: 2 de febrero de 2011
1 Accounting in Action

 The Navigator
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p. 10

After studying this chapter, you should be able to: 1 Explain what accounting is. 2 Identify the users and uses of accounting. 3 Understand why ethics is a fundamental business concept. 4 Explain generally accepted accounting principlesand the cost principle. 5 Explain the monetary unit assumption and the economic entity assumption. 6 State the accounting equation, and define its components. 7 Analyze the effects of business transactions on the accounting equation. 8 Understand the four financial statements and how they are The Navigator prepared.



p. 13


p. 19


p. 24


WorkComprehensive DO IT! Review Summary of Study Objectives Answer Self-Study Questions Complete Assignments

The Navigator is a learning system designed to prompt you to use the learning aids in the chapter and set priorities as you study. Study Objectives give you a framework for learning the specific concepts covered in the chapter.

Feature Story
KNOWING THE NUMBERS Consider this quote from HaroldGeneen, the former chairman of IT&T: “To be good at your business, you have to know the numbers—cold.” Success in any business comes back to the numbers. You will rely on them to make decisions, and managers will use them to evaluate your performance. That is true whether your job involves marketing, production, management, or information systems. In business, accounting and financial statementsare the means for communicating the numbers. If you don’t know how to read financial statements, you can’t really know your business. When Jack Stack and 11 other managers purchased Springfield ReManufacturing Corporation (SRC) ( for 10 cents a share, it was a failing


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The Feature Story helps you picture how the chapter topic relates to the real world of accounting and business. You will find references to the story throughout the chapter.

Inside Chapter 1… • How Will Accounting HelpMe?
(p. 11)

The Navigator

• What Do General Mills, Walt Disney, and Dunkin’ Donuts Have in Common? (p. 23) • All About You: Ethics: Managing Personal Financial Reporting (p. 25)

“Inside Chapter x” lists boxes in the chapter that should be of special interest to you.


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