Advanced Laguage For Academic Writing

Páginas: 8 (1952 palabras) Publicado: 13 de agosto de 2012

Adding points:
Another possibility is that…
At the same time it is true to say...
In any case…
In other words…
It should also be emphasized that…
It should also be noted that…
Mention should also be made of…
Related to these arguments is the critique that…
The corollary of this is that…
The key point to note is that…
The same can besaid of…
The same is true of…
There were other factors which arguably counted for more.
This in turn means that...

Arguing tentatively:
At the same time it could be argued that…
For one thing it could be argued that…
Indeed, it might be argued that…
It is tempting to pose another question.
It may well be asked how…
It might be argued that…
Nor is it entirely fanciful to suggest that…Of course it could be argued that…
Still, there is no denying that…

Asking questions:
How can we explain x?
More controversial is the question as to whether…
One way to answer this question is to try to see if…
The crucial question may therefore be…

The question remains…
Was it such a bad thing to allow y? Not necessarily.
Was x unique in doing y? Certainly not.
What are thearguments on the other side?
What sort of picture do these considerations allow us to construct?
Why for example did x happen?

According to x…
As has often been pointed out (e.g. cite authors) …
As x has argued…
As x has observed…
As x has pointed out…
As x has put it…
As x has said…
As x has shown…
As x memorably put it…
As x put it…
Few share x's view that…
In (x book) y authorsuggested that…
In his article (cite article) he astutely argued that…
In support of his argument x is able to quote…
In x's words:
It is usually asserted that…
Some authorities have implied that…
This is not an isolated view.
X contended/ suggested that…
X convincingly argues that…
X has called it…
X has concluded that…
X has gone so far as to speak of…
X has put it simply/bluntly…X once defined the objective of y as…
X points to…
X was quite right when he said that…

In x by contrast…
To say that x is the same as y would be to exaggerate. But the resemblances are very close

Conceding a point to an opposing argument (and then
criticizing it):
Admittedly, simply doing x is a simple method of… Yet it is not easy to see how else to assess y.
Althoughthis argument has some merit, a number of qualifications need to be made.
In fairness to x … yet…
In one respect x's thesis that (give details) was quite wrong. However (mention plus points)…
Indeed, it is plausible to argue that… Yet, other evidence suggests…
It is certainly hard to see a plausible alternative to… Still if we look at…
It is often assumed that… However,…
It is quite true that…Yet in reality the most important factor was that…
It is true that (give details of opposing view)… However (affirm own argument)…
More credible is the argument that… However…
Moreover it is at least arguable that… Yet the extent to which x happened should not be
exaggerated. What is more… In reality…
Nothing can detract from the central fact that… However what is even more surprising isthat…
Some have argued that… The reality is that…
Some would say that this by itself is sufficient explanation. However…
Such explanations are too simplistic. They tend to overlook the fact that… It is also sometimes
forgotten that…
Superficially there is reason to think that… However…
There is no doubt that x is true. However it is too much to claim that… Nor should it be assumed
Thereis, of course, a natural temptation to conclude that… But this was not the case. In fact…
Indeed it has even been suggested by one writer that…
To be sure… (x is true), but…

All things considered then…
Events show us that…
Hence the paradox that…
How can we account for…?
If one considers x it becomes clear that…
In any case it seems clear that…

In general, however......
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