Analysis of “education in costa rica by infocostarica staff”

Páginas: 3 (726 palabras) Publicado: 7 de julio de 2010
Analysis of “Education in Costa Rica by Infocostarica Staff”

Education in Costa Rica essay by Infocostarica Staff state that education in Costa Rica has been increased since 20 years ago. Itdemonstrates that primary and secondary education has been the most beneficed by the government. Also, it states that in spite of the fact that Costa Rica had a lack of universities, today we have fourpublic universities as well as a lot of private universities. I believe that these statements are totally true because many years ago people did not have the opportunity of study and growth.
Accordingto the essay Education in Costa Rica by Infocostarica Staff the education in Costa Rica has increased during the last 20 years. I agree with this fact because at that time people could go to school andlearn. A good example is that research shows that “in those days only one in ten Costa Ricans could read and write. By 1920 the 50% of the population was literate and by 1970s 89% were able to readand write.” This fact was the beginning of a lot of opportunities to many people because with the educational growth began the country growth.
According to the essay Education in Costa Rica byInfocostarica Staff since the 70s the country has invested more than 28% of the national budget on primary and secondary education. I believe that education has a good support by the government because inmost of the schools and high schools we can appreciate the growth that they have had. For example, in colegios técnicos we can appreciate many campuses that students can choose such as secretary,accountant, mechanic, industry and the list goes on. The essay shows some examples of how the government has helped to the educational area and the next example was one of the most important “PresidentFigurers elected in 1994, advocates a computer in each of the nation’s 4000 schools, plus obligatory English classes, probably with the technological and tourist industries boom of recent years. “ It...
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