Animal Farm Questions.

Páginas: 2 (264 palabras) Publicado: 29 de octubre de 2012
Chapter 3 & 4
12. What further examples of the difference between the pigs and the other animals occur in these two chapters?
-The pigs supervise theothers as they work, and even the ducks and hens go back and forth in the sun all day carrying tiny wisps of hay in their beaks. All other animals workhard except the pigs. The pigs supervise the other animals.
-The pigs are the only ones who seem to have the voice.
13. What are Napoleon'sideas about education?
Napoleon says it is more important to educate the young than those who are already grown up.
14. How is Squealer able to convincethe other animals to accept whatever Napoleon decides?
Squealer convinces the other animals to accept what Napoleon decides by stating that thehealthier the pigs are the more intelligent and capable the animals would be of keeping humans away.

15. Describe the Battle of the Cowshead.
The Battle ofthe Cowshed is the first action of the animals against the humans. The humans were unsuccesful, because the animals cornered them on account thatSnowball had already foreshadowed it. The men eventually ran off but there was some animals injured or dead. It was not unexpected, and the animals wereprepared.
16. What was Snowball's part in this battle?
He planned the counter attack against Mr. Jones and his men.

17. Where is Napoleon during thebattle?
He is not there; he's absent.

18. What is the significance of the gun's placement at the foot of the flagpole?
The animal victory in the bible.
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