Anne frank

Páginas: 3 (678 palabras) Publicado: 30 de enero de 2012
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the life of Anne Frank
Central Idea: Anne Frank childhood, the hiding place, and the arrested have become a simple to many people who remembers theholocaust.
I. Suppose you are escaping and hiding from being from a different culture
A. Anne Frank and her family were and escaping and hiding from the Nazis
B. According tothe article the Holocaust Encyclopedia Anne Frank only enjoyed 5 years of happiness in her childhood
C. On July 6, 1942 Anne Frank and her family went into hiding in the Secret Annex
D. AnneFrank was a Jewish girl who only enjoyed some of her childhood, who went into hiding in a secret annex, On August 4, 1944 Anne Frank along with her family are arrested
E. Probably many of you allhave heard about Anne Frank while studying the Holocaust in High School, but I also have done some research
II. Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany to Edith and Otto Frank.
A. AnneFrank was the second child
B. According to Emma Johnson, the author of Anne Frank, the first four or five years of her life were spent in happy times with her family taking vacation and enjoyinglife
C. She received a diary from her parents on her 13th birthday
1. She called her diary “Kitty”
2. After she received her diary Anne started to write every day the experiences she hadwith fear, happiness, and sadness
3. After writing for two months she had over 324 pages written
4. She planned to become a famous writer one day
D. After hiding for 2 years the lastentry she made in her diary was on August 1st 1994
1. All though she was hidden she never stopped doing what she loved, which was writing
III. On July 1942 Anne Frank goes into hiding with sevenother people which included her family in the Secret Annex
A. According the article The Holocaust Encyclopedia, a bookcase hided the entrance to the Annex.
B. The Annex was located in a...
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