
Páginas: 20 (4916 palabras) Publicado: 15 de julio de 2011
Bloque 1:
* Los estudiantes darán y recibirán información personal.
* Uso del verbo TO BE
* Pronombres personales
* Adjetivos Posesivos
* A/ An/ The
* Vocabulario
* Números


A pronoun usually refers to something already mentioned in a sentence or piece of text. They are used instead of nouns to prevent repetition of the noun to which theyrefer.

Personal subject pronouns go before the verb:

I stayed at home.

You need another blanket.

He wants to buy a new car.

She is studying Catalan.

It barks a lot. (It is used to refer to things, animals and the weather: It is raining.)

We never eat garlic.

You read a lot.

They are good friends.

I. Use the correct personal pronoun.
1. often reads books. (Leila)2. is watching TV. (Alan)
3. is green. (the dress)
4. are on the wall. (the pictures)
5. is running. (the cat)
6. are watching TV. (my sister and I)
7. are in the garden. (the roses)
8. is driving his car. (John)
9. is from Bristol. (Liza)
10. has got a brother. (Diana)
11. Have got a car, Sue?
II. Fill in the blanks with the personal pronouns which agree withthe underlined antecedents. For example:
      The man walked slowly, because __ was carrying a heavy parcel.
      The man walked slowly, because he was carrying a heavy parcel.
1. The children are happy because _______ have a holiday today.
2. My father and I had planned to visit the park, but since it was raining _______ decided not to go.
3. This chair is valuable because _______ is soold.
4. The woman is pleased because _______ has found work.
5. Until _______ retired, their father managed a business.
6. After the apples have been cut up, _______ should be sprinkled with cinnamon.
7. Because her husband used to study music, _______ knows how to play several musical instruments.
8. My neighbor and I like to go shopping together, so that _______ can help each other choosewhat to buy.
9. Her daughter likes to study, because _______ finds the work interesting.
10. The car is in good condition, but _______ needs a new muffler.


mother-she | my brother- | girls- | school- | Ben and Tom- |
my father- | the window- | dad- | desks- | my sister and I- |
dogs- | my friends- | woman- | youand the boys-                    | Tamara- |
pencil- | Anna- | notebooks- | cats- | feet- |
I and Dana-                      | snake-                        | man-            |  Sam-           | children-               |


I am ( yo soy, yo estoy)You are( tu eres, tu estas )He is( eles, el está)She is( ella es, ella está)It is ( eso es, eso está)We are( nosotros somos, nosotros estamos)You are( Ustedes son, ustedes están)They are( ellos, ellas som, ellos, ellas están) | I´mYou’reHe’sShe´sIt´sWe´reYou’reThey´re | Am I?Are you?Is he?Is she?Is it?Are we?Are you?Are they? | I am not = I’m notYou are not= You aren’tHe is not=He isn’tShe is not=She isn’tIt is not=It isn’tWe arenot=we aren’tYou are not=You aren’tThey are not=They aren’t |

El verbo 'To be' tiene una importancia especial en inglés. Se corresponde a los verbos españoles "ser" y "estar". Dependiendo del sentido de la frase deduciremos de cual de los dos se trata.
I am English / Soy inglés
I am in England / Estoy en Inglaterra
Tiene algunos usos especiales distintos a sus equivalentes españoles. 
-Sirve para expresar la edad, en cuyo caso se traduce por 'tener':
Mary is 20 years old / Maria tiene 20 años
I am 21 / Yo tengo 21 años
How old are you? / ¿Cuántos años tienes?
- Para expresar las sensaciones también se emplea el verbo 'to be' y equivale al 'tener' español.
Are you hungry? / ¿Tienes hambre?
He is thirsty / Tiene sed
- También para hablar sobre el tiempo atmosférico. En este...
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