Aparato Digestivo Ingles

Páginas: 9 (2027 palabras) Publicado: 15 de abril de 2011
Digestive This device performs the process of digestion is ingestion, transport, digestion and absorption of food. These processes can be made ​​through the secretion of hormones and enzymes. Enzyme called one ofthe many specialized organic substances composed of polymers of amino acids, which act as catalysts in the metabolism of living beings. Hormones are substances that have both animals and plants; they regulate body processes such as growth, metabolism, reproduction and the functioning of various organs (in this case the digestive system). The digestive system consists of: oral cavity, pharynx,esophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine, rectum and anus.

Mouth: Located on the first section of the system. Its topographic boundaries are: on top the palate at the bottom of base tongue and mouth, and sides of the teeth, gums and cheeks. The palate separates the mouth from the nasal cavity to prevent food materials pass into the nasal cavity. The tongue, teeth and salivary glandsfunction in the ingestion and digestion in man, tongue and teeth also serve to articulate the language.
The language, which is based on taste, is a thick, fleshy muscle covered by a mucosa that has several grooves and fine grains visible to the naked eye. In the middle of its upper surface there is a longitudinal groove extending from the tip to beyond the middle, followed by a series of fairlylarge grains, which converge on the axis of language and form an upside down V to uve called lingual. On its underside, the front of the tongue is a mucosal fold, which connects to the buccal mucosa: the frenulum of the tongue. The lining of the tongue is home to numerous small organs called taste buds that allow us appreciate the taste of the food we eat. We can only perceive four tastes:bitter, sweet, acid and salt. The bitter be seen at the base of the tongue, the sweetness on the tip, the acid in the tip and edges, and salting the entire surface. Certain areas of the tongue are numb. The complex flavors of foods like the taste of fish, garlic, wine, etc., are the result of the union of taste sensations with the smell, so when we are cold food seems tasteless.

Pharynx: A canal ofabout 13 cm in contact with the larynx (belonging to the respiratory system) and through a valve, the epiglottis closes the entrance of the bolus into the airway. The pharynx communicates with the nostrils, ears and esophagus.

Esophagus: a muscular, directed straight down from the pharynx to the stomach. The contraction of the muscles of the pharyngeal wall and the presence of the bolus in theupper esophagus causing a contractile wave, unique, powerful rhythm and walls of the esophagus called peristaltic wave that propels the bolus into the stomach. Communication with the stomach is regulated by a ring of smooth muscle called the sphincter, where it produces the popular diaphragmatic hernia.

Stomach: It is located to the left of the abdomen below the ribs, just below the diaphragmmuscle that separates the chest from the abdomen. It is divided into three regions, one or more of the cardia region, half or bottom and one that extends to the opening of the small intestine called the pyloric region. The muscle layers of the stomach are very thick and have diagonal fibers, circular and longitudinal. The stomach lining contains millions of microscopic gastric glands that secretemucus and gastric juice (with enzymes and hydrochloric acid). The walls of the empty stomach in contact with each other. When food enters the body, the walls expand and increase the cavity without causing changes in pressure inside. The upper portion of the stomach stores the food you eat. Waves of muscle contraction, preceded by waves of relaxation (peristalsis), begin near the center of the...
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