Arquitectura Contemporánea

Páginas: 30 (7422 palabras) Publicado: 18 de julio de 2012
Universidad de las Américas Puebla

Decanato de Artes y Humanidades

Arquitectura Contemporánea

Arquitectura Contemporánea 41 Cooper Square.

Hector Alcides Vidal Ramos

Profr. Mario Eric Vergara

San Andrés Cholula, Puebla a 12 de Diciembre de 2011



Marco Historico…………………………………………………………………...5

Thom Mayne……………………………………………………………………...12


Edificio Cooper Union …………………………………………………………..16

Contexto y sitio…………………………………………………………………..16

Forma y uso……………………………………………………………………...17

Atrio deledificio………………………………………………………………….19

Piel del edificio…………………………………………………………………...23

Estructura y materiales………………………………………………………...25



The architecture has been a constant evolution, is one of the largest creations of man over time. We can observe the development of architecture in a time line as a resultof a expression of life, from the same society and of the talent of many people who make up. The architecture comprises more than a simple art, but also can be a art that touches the life of all. So, without architecture would not buildings or any other art form. Then the architects are trying to design and create from your imagination. Creations that we can see today in our urban environment.Innovative ideas that will give the pattern to contemporaneity. Because of this, in the present work it was decided to consider their most salient features of the modern movement, as well as some of the styles representative that the framework stage mentioned above, that describes important contributions from some recognized architects as Le Corbusier y Moholy Nagy, as well as important documents thatdescribe the evolution of the ideas mentioned. Through the analysis of the basis for the projection of the architect Thom Mayne ( morphosis) : their sources of training and its influences in the world of architecture. This will help us to be able to make a comparison of the thoughts and contemporary modern and better understand the analysis of one of the works of the architect before mentioned.This research consists in the following manner: historical background, the evolution of the modernity, the architect is defined, indicating their sources of training, thoughts, inspirations and methodology of work, the differences between two movements are to discuss later to emphasize contemporary ideas with the analysis.


William Morris describe a laArquitectura como (Manieri,200):

La arquitectura abarca la consideración de todo el ambiente físico que rodea la vida humana: no podemos sustraernos a ella mientras formemos parte de la civilización, porque la arquitectura es el conjunto de modificaciones y alteraciones introducidas en la superficie terrestre con objeto de satisfacer las necesidades humanas, exceptuando sólo el puro desierto.The Prospects of architecture in Civilization, conferencia pronunciada en la London Institution el 10 de marzo de 1881 y recopilada en el libro On Art and Socialism, Londres, 1947.
¿Cómo ha evolucionado a partir de la Modernidad las ideas concernientes a este tema?. Entendiendo entonces a la Arquitectura como un intermediario para el desarrollo de la humanidad, mismodesarrollo que por consecuencia ha permitido a la arquitectura evolucionar en el tiempo en todas las partes del mundo, debido a los cambios sociales, económicos, y culturales del mundo, además por los avances técnicos y constructivos que se han venido dando a través de los años y a los nuevos materiales de construcción que sean venido desarrollando para así...
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