Articulos 1 Y 2 En Ingles Constitucion Mexicana

Páginas: 6 (1457 palabras) Publicado: 21 de noviembre de 2012

1st article. In the United States of Mexico all the persons will enjoy the human rights recognized in this Constitution and in the international agreements of which the Mexican state is a part, as well as the guarantees for his protection, which exercise will be able neither to be restricted nor to be suspended, except in the cases and under the conditions that thisConstitution establishes.
The procedure relative to the human rights will be interpreted of conformity by this Constitution and with the international agreements of the matter favoring in all time to the persons the most wide protection.
All the authorities, in the area of his competitions, have the obligation to promote, to respect, to protect and guarantee the human rights of conformity with thebeginning of universality, interdependence, indivisibility and progressivity. In consequence, the State will have to anticipate, investigate, sanction and repair the violations to the human rights, in the terms that the law establishes.
The slavery is prohibited in the United States of Mexico. The slaves of the foreigner who enter to the national territory will reach, for this alone fact, his freedom andthe protection of the laws.
It remains prohibited all discrimination motivated by ethnic or national origin, the kind, the age, the disabilities, the social condition, the conditions of health, the religion, the opinions, the sexual preferences, the marital status or any other one that commits an outrage against the human dignity and has for object annul or reduce the rights and freedoms of thepersons.
2nd article.
The Mexican Nation is the only and indivisible.
The Nation has a multicultural composition sustained originally in his indigenous peoples that are those that descend from populations who were living in the current territory of the country on the settling having begun and who preserve his own social, economic, cultural and political institutions, or part of they. Theconscience of his indigenous identity will have to be a fundamental criterion to determine to whom the dispositions are applied on indigenous peoples.
They are integral communities of an indigenous people, those that form a social, economic and cultural unit, sessions in a territory and that recognize own authorities of agreement with his uses and customs.

The right of the indigenous peoples tothe free determination will be exercised in a constitutional frame of autonomy that assures the national unit. The recognition of the peoples and indigenous communities will be done in the constitutions and laws of the federative entities, which they will have to bear in mind, besides the general beginning established in the previous paragraphs of this article, criteria etnolingüísticos and ofphysical accession.
A. This Constitution recognizes and guarantees the right of the peoples and the indigenous communities to the free determination and, in consequence, to the autonomy for:
I. To decide his internal forms of conviviality and social, economic, political and cultural organization.
II. To apply his own normative systems in the regulation and solution of his internal conflicts, holdingitself to the general beginning of this Constitution, respecting the individual guarantees, the human rights and, in a relevant way, the dignity and integrity of the women. The law will establish the cases and procedures of validation for the judges or corresponding courts.
III. To choose in agreement with his procedure, procedures and traditional practices, to the authorities or representativesfor the exercise of his own forms of internal government, guaranteeing the participation of the women in conditions of equity opposite to the males, in a frame that respects the federal agreement and the sovereignty of the conditions.
IV. To preserve and to enrich his languages, knowledge and all the elements that constitute his culture and identity.
V. To preserve and to improve the habitat...
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